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How to Get Rich: Every Episode

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This giant episode collects every interview we've done on “How to Get Rich.”





Hi, This is Navy Now. That novel and I have finished going through his tweet storm on how to get rich without getting lucky. We've stitched together all the small episodes into one giant mega sewed, So it's easy for you to consume in its entirety, and it's easy for you to share. It's about three hours long. The sound quality of this giant episode improves a lot After the first hour. You can also find a link to a clean transcript in the show notes. Or if you go to the website, which is N a v dot es el nivel. There's no dot com at the end. Here we go. You probably know no ball from his Twitter account, and we're gonna be talking about his epic Tweetstorm on how to get rich without getting lucky. We're going to go through most of the tweets in detail, given the ball a chance to expand on them and just generally riff on the topic. He'll probably throw in some ideas that he hasn't even published before. He's also the co founder of Angel Lists and the opinions. He's a prolific tech investor in companies like Twitter, uber and many more, and I'm the co founder of Evangelist With the Ball, and I also co authored the venture hacks blood with


him back in the day. Yeah, the how to get me St Storm definitely hit a nerve in A lot of people say it was helpful. Reach cross aisles and people outside and tech industry people in all walks of life, people who want to know how to solve their money problems and everyone vaguely knows that they want to be wealthy, but they don't have a good set of principles to do it by. What's the difference between wealth, money and status? Wealth is the thing that you really want wealth, his assets that earn while you sleep Wealth is the factory that, with robots, is cranking out things. Wealth is the computer program that's running at night that's serving other customers. Wealth is even money in the bank that is being reinvested into other assets and into other businesses. Even a house can be a form of wealth because you can rent it out, although that's probably a lower use support activity but land than actually doing some commercial enterprise. So my definition of wealth is much more businesses and assets that can earn while you sleep. But really, the reason you want well, it's because it buys your freedom so you don't have to wear a tire like a collar around your neck, so you don't have to wake up at 7 a.m. and rush to work and sitting commute traffic so you don't have to waste away your entire life grinding all the productive hours into a way to a soldier's job that doesn't fulfill you. So the purpose of wealth, its freedom, it's nothing more than that. It's like two by four coats or drive Ferraris or sail yachts or jet around the world. Your Gulf Stream. That stuff gets really boring and really stupid really fast. It's really just so that you are your own sovereign individual. You're not gonna get that unless you really want it and the entire world wants it, and the entire world is working hard at it, and to some extent of this competitive, it's a positive sum game. But there are competitive elements to it because if they find that amount of resource is right now in society, and to get the resource is, do what you want, you have to stand out. Money is how we transfer wealth. Money is social credits. It is the ability to have credits and debits on other people's time. If I do my job right, if I create value for society, Society says, Oh, thank you, We owe you something in the future for the work that you did in the past. Here's a little IOU. Let's call that money and that money gets debased because people steal the IO use the government prints extra. Io used people real edge under I. O U's, but maybe what money is trying to be. It is trying to be a reliable IOU from society that you are owed something for something. You are someone who gave you the money did in the past, and we can transfer these i o. U's around. So really, money is how we transfer Well, they're fundamentally two huge games in life that people play. One is the money game because money is not gonna solve all your problems. But it's gonna solve all your buddy problems. So I think that people know that they realize that so they want to make money, but the same time, many of them deep down, believe that they can't make it. They don't want any well creation toe happen. So this virtue signal by attacking the whole enterprise. But saying, Well, making money is evil and you shouldn't do it bottle block. But what they're trying to do is they're actually playing the other game to the status game. They're trying to be high status in the eyes of other people, watching by saying, Well, I don't need money, we don't want money And then status is just your ranking in the social hierarchy. So wealth is not a zero sum game. Everybody in the world can have a house because you have a house doesn't take away from my ability to have a house. If anything, the more houses that are built, the easier it becomes to build houses. The more we know about building houses and just the more people that can have houses, so wealth is a very positive sum game. We create things together. We're starting this endeavor to create this hopefully piece of art that explains what we're doing. At the end of it, something brand new will be created to positive sum game status, on the other hand, is a zero sum game every old game. We've been playing it since monkey tribes, and it's hierarchal who's number one? Who's number two? Whose number three. And for number three to move to number two. Number two has to move out of that slot. So status zero sum game politics is an example of a status game. Even sports is an example of a status game. To be the winner, there must be a loser. I don't plan to mentally love status games. They play an important role in our society. So we figure out who's in charge. But fundamentally you play them because they're necessary evil. The problem is an evolutionary basis, like if you go back thousands of years, status is of much better predictor of survival than wealth. This you couldn't have wealth before the farming age before farmers because he couldn't store things. Hunter gatherers carried everything on their backs, so 100 gatherers lived entirely in status based societies. Farmer started going toe. Wealth based societies and the modern industrial economies are much more heavily wealth based societies. But there's always a subtle competition going on between status and wealth, for example, when journalists attack which people or they attack the technology industry, they're really bidding for status. They're saying, No, the people are more important. And I the journalist, represents the people, and therefore I am more important. The problem is that by playing these status games to win that a status game, you have to put somebody else down. That's why you should avoid status games in your life because they make you into an angry, combative person. You're always fighting to put other people down, to put yourself in the people that you like up and they're always gonna exist. There's no way around it. But just realize that most of times when you're trying to create wealth, you're actually getting attacked by someone else, and they're trying to look like a goody two shoes. But really, what they're doing is they're tryingto up their own status at your expense. They're just playing a different game, and it's the worst game it 07 game instead of a positive sum game.


One thing you mentioned before the interview that stuck with me was the idea that you think everyone can become rich and that perhaps some of the ways of getting rich or the idea of wealth is vilified by some people in other countries. Say you want expand on that a little bit.


Yeah, I think there's this notion that making money is evil, but it's like routed all the way back down to money is the root of all evil. People think that the bankers steal our money, and you know it's somewhat true in that in a lot of the world, there's a lot of theft going on all the time. The history of the world, in some sense, is this predator prey relationship between makers and takers. There are people who go out and create things and buildings and work hard on things. And they're people who come along a tape with a sword or a gun or taxes are crony capitalism or communism or what have you. There's all these different methods to steal, even in nature, there are more parasites that there are non parasitical organisms. You have time of parasites in you who are living off of you and the better weather symbiotic giving from being black. But they're a lot that are just taking. That's just the nature of how any complex system is built. But what I am focused on is true wealth creation. It's not about taking money. It's not about taking something from somebody else, but it's when creating abundance. Obviously, there's not a final number of jobs or find that amount of wealth. Otherwise we will still be safe. Honey caves figure. Divide a piece of the firewood and you know, the occasional dead deer. So most of the wealth and civilization, in fact, not most all of it, has been created. And he got created from somewhere, got acquitted from people they got credit from technology could have productivity critic from hard work. So this idea that stolen is, I think, this horrible zero sum game that people who are trying to gain status play. But the reality is everyone can be rich, and we can see that by seeing it in the first world. Everyone is richer than almost anyone who was alive 200 years ago. 200 years ago, nobody had anybody addicts. Nobody had cars. Nobody had electricity. Nobody had the iPhone. So all of these things are inventions that have made us wealthier as a species. Today, I would rather be a poor person in the First World country. That'd be a rich person in Louis, the 14th France. I'd rather be a poor person today than aristocrat back then, And that's just because of wealth creation, the engine of technology science that is applied for the purpose of creating abundance. So I think fundamentally everybody can be wealthy. And the start experiment I want you to think through is imagine if everybody had the knowledge of a good software engineer and a good hardware engineer. If you could go out there and you could build robots and computers and bridges and program them, let's say every human knew how to do that. What do you think society would look like in 20 years? My guess is what would happen is we would build robots, machines, software and hardware to do everything, and we would all be living in massive abundance. We would essentially be retired in the sense that none of us would have to work for any of the basics. We even have robotic nurses. We have like machine driven hospitals. We have self driving cars. We'd have farm that 100% automated. We have clean energy. So at that point we could use a technology breakthroughs to get everything that we wanted. And if anyone is still working at that point, they're working as a form of expressing their creativity, their working because it's in them to contribute and to build a design things. But I don't think capitalism is evil. Capitalism is actually good. It's just that it gets hijacked. It gets hijacked by improper pricing of externalities. It gets hijacked by improper deals with that you have corruption or you have monopolies. Well, we're all capitalism is intrinsic to the human species. Capitalism is not something we invented. Capitalism is not even something we discovered. It is in it to us in every exchange that we have. When you and I exchange information, I want some information back from you. I give you information, you give me information. If we weren't having a good information exchange, you go talk to somebody else. So the notion that exchange and keeping track of credits and debits this is built into us as flexible social animals. We're the only animals in the animal kingdom that cooperate across genetic boundaries. Most animals don't cooperate, but when they do they cooperate on Lian packs where they co evolved together and this year, blood. So they have some shared interests. Humans don't have that. And what lets us cooperate? It's because we can keep track of debits and credits. Who put it, how much work, who contributed, how much that's all free market capitalism is. So I strongly believe that it is innate to the human species, and we're going to create more and more wealth and abundance for everybody. Everybody can be wealthy, everybody can be retired. Everybody could be successful. It is merely a question of education and desire. You have to want it. If you don't want it, that's fine. Then you opt out of the game. But don't try and put down the people who are playing the game, because that's the game that keeps you in a comfortable, warm bed at night. That's the game that keeps a roof over your head. That's a game that keeps your supermarket stock. That's the game that keeps the iPhone buzzing in your pocket. So it is a beautiful game that is worth playing ethically, rationally, morally, socially, for the human race, and it's gonna continue to make us all richer and richer until we have massive wealth creation for anybody who wants it.


And it's not just individuals secretly despising wealth, right? There's countries, group political parties that overtly despise, well,


thoroughly seemed Thio. That's right. And so what? Those countries, political parties and groups are reduced playing zero, some kind of status and the process to destroy wealth creation. They drag everybody down to her level, which is why the U. S. Is a very popular country for immigrants, because the American dream, anyone can come here. We poor and then work really hard and make money and get wealthy, but even just makes them basic money for their lives. Obviously, the definition of wealth is different for different people, a forkful of citizens. Definition of wealth might be all I have to make millions of dollars, and I'm completely done. Where's to 1/3 World poor immigrant just entering the country? And we were poor immigrants who came here when I was fairly young to the United States. Wealth may just be a much lower number. It may just be like I don't have to work a manual labor job for the rest of my life that I don't want to work. But groups that despise it will essentially bring the entire group down to that level. If you get too many takers and not enough maker, your society falls apart. You end up with a communist country. Look with Venezuela, right? They were so busy taking and dividing and reallocating that people were literally starving in the streets and losing kilograms of body weight every year just to share starvation another way. Think about it. Imagine an organism that has too many parasites. You actually need some small number of parasites to stay healthy, and you need a lot of SIM buyouts, like all the mitochondria in all of our cells that help us respirator and burn oxygen. These are some buyouts that help us survive. We can survive without them, but to me, those are partners in the wealth creation that creates the human body. But if you just sport filled with parasites, if you get infected with worms or a virus or bacteria that were purely parasitical, you would die so any organism can on. Lee would stand a small number of parasites, and when the parasitic element gets too far, out of control, you die. So you know that again. I'm talking about ethical wealth patient when the timer monopolies another crony capitalism. I'm not talking about Miss Price externalities like the environment. I'm talking about free minds and free markets. Small steel exchange, maybe in humans, is voluntary and doesn't have an outsized impact on others. But I think that kind of wealth creation if a society does not respect it. If a group does not respect it, that society will plunge into ruin and darkness. Obviously, we want to be wealthy, and we want to get there in this lifetime without having to rely on luck. A lot of people think making money is about luck. It's not. It's about becoming the kind of person that makes money. You know, I like to think that if I lost all my money and if you drop me on a random street in any English speaking country within 5 10 years, I'd be wealthy again, right, because it's just a skill set that I've developed. And I think anyone can develop, you know, in 1000 parallel universes you want to be wealthy in 909 9 of them you don't want to be wealthy at the 50 of them where you got lucky, so we want a factor. Luck out of it. There's really four kinds of luck that we were talking about. This came from Ah, Book P, Marca, Mark and Reese and wrote a block post about it. But there's different kinds of luck. The first kind of lucky might just say is like blind luck where I had just got lucky because something completely out of my control happened. You know, that's fortune. That's fate, et cetera. Then there's luck that comes through persistence, hard work, hustle motion, which is when you're just running around creating lots of opportunities. You're generating a lot of energy. You're doing a lot of things. Lots of things will just get stirred up in the dust. It's almost like mixing Ah petri dish in seeing what combines are mixing a bunch of free agents and seeing what combines you're just generating enough force and hustle and energy that luck will find you. The third way is that you just become very good at spotting luck, so if you are very skilled in a field, you will notice when a lucky break happens in that field, and other people who aren't attuned to it won't notice. So you become sensitive to luck investors, skill and knowledge and work, and then the last kind of luck is the weirdest, hardest kind. But that's what we want to talk about, which is where you build a unique character, a unique brand, a unique mindset where them luck finds you. For example, let's say that you're the best person in the world at deep sea underwater diving and you're known to like take on deep sea underwater dies it nobody else will even attempt to dare. And then, by sheer luck, somebody finds a sunken treasure ship off the coast they can't get at Well, their luck just became your luck because they're gonna come to you to get that treasure, and you're gonna get paid for it. Now that's an extreme example. But it's just showing how, like the person who got lucky but find the treasure chest that was blind luck. But them coming to you and asking you to extract it and having to give you half That's not Look, you created your own money. You put yourself in a position to be able to capitalize on that luck or to attract that luck when nobody else has created that opportunity for themselves. So when we talk about without getting lucky, we want to be a deterministic we don't want Leave it to chance.


Do you want to elaborate a little bit more on the idea that in 1000 parallel universes you want to get rich in 999 of them? I think some people are going to see that and say That sounds impossible. Sounds like it's too good to be true.


No, I don't think it's impossible. I think that you may have to work a little bit harder at it, given your starting circumstances. Mean rumor. I started as a poor kid in India, right? So if I can make it, anybody can in that sense now, obviously I had all my limbs and I had my mental faculties and I did have an education so there are some pre represented can get past. But if you're listening to this video our podcast, you probably have the requisite means at your disposal, which is a functioning body in a functioning mind, and I've encountered plenty of bad luck along the way. First, little fortune that I made. I instantly lost in stock market the second little fortune that I made, what I should have made. I got cheated by my business partners. It's only the third time around has been a charm, and even then it has been a slow and steady struggle, and I haven't made money in my life. In one giant payout, it's always been a whole bunch of small things piling up. So it's more about consistently creating wealth by creating businesses, including opportunities and creating investments. It hasn't been like a giant one off thing. My personal wealth has not been generated by one a big year. It just stacks up little bit chips at a time. More options, more businesses, more investments, more things that can do. Same way. Someone like a denied bail, a service. He's building his brand on mine. He's building videos. It's not like anyone video is going to suddenly shower him with riches overnight. It's going to be a long lifetime of learning, of reading, of creating that's just gonna compound. So we're talking about getting wealthy so you can retire so you have your freedom, not retire. In a sense, you don't do anything, but in the sense that you don't have to be any place you don't want to be, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do, and you can wake up when you want. You can sleep and you want. You don't have a boss. That's freedom. So we're talking about enough well to get to freedom, especially thanks to the Internet these days. Those opportunities are massively abundant. I, in fact, have too many ways to make money. I don't have enough time. I literally have opportunities pouring out of my ears and the thing I keep running out of his time. There's just so many ways to create wealth, to create products, to create businesses, to create opportunities and to as a byproduct, get paid by society. Then I just can't even handle it all.


I think it's pretty interesting that the 1st 3 kinds of luck that you described there are very common cliches for them that everybody knows, and then for that last kind of luck that comes to you out of the unique way that you act, there's no real cliche for it. So for the 1st 3 kinds, there is Dumb Locker. Blind luck. That's the first kind of luck. The second kind of luck does the cliche that fortune favors the bold. That's a person who gets lucky just by stirring the pot and acting the third kind of luck. People say that chance favors the prepared mind. But for the fourth kind of luck, there is not really a common cliche out there that matches the unique character of your action, which I think is interesting and perhaps an opportunity. And it also just shows that people aren't necessarily taking advantage of that kind of luck the way they should be.


I think also at that point it starts becoming so deterministic that it stops being look, so the definition starts fading from luck to more destiny. So I would characterize that 4th 1 is you build your character in a certain way, and then your character becomes your destiny. One of the things I think that is important. Two making money. You want the kind of reputation that makes people do deals through you. You know, I use the example of like if you're a great diver than treasure hunters will come and give you a piece of the treasure if we're diving skills. If you're a trusted, reliable, high integrity, long term thinking dealmaker, then when other people want to do deals, but they don't know how to do them in a trustworthy manner with strangers, they will literally approach you and give you a cut of the deal or offer you a unique deal. Just because of the integrity and reputation that you built up Warren Buffett. He gets offered deals and you have to buy companies. And he gets to buy a warrants and bail out banks and do things that other people can't do because of his reputation. But of course, that's fragile. It has accountability on the line. It has a strong brand on the line, and as we will talk about later, that comes accountability attached. But I would say your character, your reputation, these are things that you can build that. Then we'll let you take out advantages of opportunities that other people may characterize this lucky. But you know that


it wasn't luck. You said that this fourth kind of luck is more or less a destiny. There's a quote from that original book that was in Mark's Blawg posts from Benjamin Disraeli, who I think was the former prime minister of the U. K. The quote to describe this kind of luck was, we make our fortunes and we call them fate. There are a couple other interesting things about this kind of luck that were mentioned in the Block post. I think it'll be good for the listeners to hear about Is that this fourth kind of luck can almost come out of eccentric ways that you do your things and that East centrist city is not necessarily, ah, bad thing in this case. In fact, it's a good thing.


Yeah, absolutely. Because the world is a very efficient place. So everyone has dug through all the obvious places to dig. And so to find something that's new and novel and uncovered, it helps to be operating on a frontier where right there, you have to be a little eccentric to be out on the frontier by yourself, and then you just have to be willing to dig deeper than other people do deeper than seems irrational just because you're interested.


Yeah, the two quotes that I've seen that expressed this kind of luck. In addition to that, Benjamin Disraeli one are this one from Sam Altman, where he said, extreme people get extreme results. I think that's pretty nice. And then there's this other one from Jeffrey Feffer, who is a professor at Stanford, that you can't be normal and expect abnormal returns. I've always enjoyed that one, too.


Yeah, and they want a quote that I like, which is the exact opposite of that is play stupid games when stupid prizes. A lot of people spend a lot of their time playing social games like on Twitter, where you just try to improve your social standing and you basically went stupid social prizes, which are worthless.


I guess the last thing that I have from this block post is just the idea that by pursuing these kinds of luck, especially the last one, basically everything but dumb luck by pursuing them, you essentially run out of unlock. So if you just keep stirring the pot and stirring the pot, that alone you will run out of


unlock. Yeah, or it could just be reversion to the mean right? So then you at least neutralize luck so that it's your own talents that come into play.


Next, you go into more specific details on how you can actually get rich and how you can't get rich. The first point was about how you're not going to get rid, which you're not going to get. Rich renting of your time. You must own equity, a piece of a business to gain your financial freedom.


This is probably one of the absolute, most important points. People seem to think that you can create wealth and make money through work, and it's probably not going to work. There are many reasons for that, but the most basic is just that your inputs air very closely tied to your outputs in almost any salary job, even at one that's paying a lot our like a lawyer or a doctor, you're still putting in the hours and every hour you get paid. So what that means is, when you're sleeping, you're not burning. When you're retired, you're not earning. When you're on vacation, you're not turning, and you can't earn non linearly. If you look at you and doctors who get rich like really rich, it's because they opened a business. They open like a private practice and that private practice builds a brand. And that brand attracts people. Or they build some kind of medical device or a procedure or process with intellectual property. So essentially, you're working for somebody else, and that person is taking on the risk and has the accountability and the intellectual property and the brand. So they're just not gonna pay you enough. They're gonna pay you the bare minimum that they have to to get you to do the job. And that could be a high bare minimum. But it's still not gonna be true wealth where you're retired. And then finally, you're actually just not even creating that much original for society. Like I said, this tweet storm should have been called How to create wealth. This is how to get rich was, ah, more catchy title. But you're not creating new things for society. You're just doing things over and over, and you're essentially replaceable because you're now doing a set roll. Most set rolls could be taught if they can be taught, like in a school that eventually you'll be competing with someone who's got more recent knowledge has been taught and is coming in to replace you. You're much more likely to be doing a job that could be eventually replaced by a robot or by an A I. And it doesn't have to be a wholesale replaced overnight. It could replace a little bit of a time, and that eats into your wealth creation, and therefore you're earning capability. So fundamentally the inputs are matched your outputs, you're replaceable and you're not being creative. I just don't think that that is the way that you can truly make money. So everybody who really makes money at some point owns a piece of a product for a business or some kind of I P. That could be through stock options. So if you could be working a tech company, that's a fine way to start. But usually the rial wealth is created by starting your own companies or by even investors. They're in an investment firm, and they're buying equity. Though these air much more the routes, the wealth, it doesn't come to the hours. You really just want a job, our career or profession, where your inputs don't match your outputs. So if you look at modern society against us later in the tweet storm. Businesses that have high creativity and high leverage tend to be ones where you could do an hour of work and it can have a huge effect. Or you can do 1000 hours of working. Can't no effect. For example, look at software engineering. One great engineer can, for example, create Bitcoin and created billions of dollars worth of value on engineer who's working on the wrong thing or not quite as good or just not a creative a thoughtful or whatever can work for an entire year and every piece of code the ship and with not getting used customers don't want it. That is an example of a profession where the input and the outputs are highly disconnected. It's not based on the number of hours that you put in. Where's on the extreme other end? If you're a lumberjack, even the best lumberjack in the world, assuming they're not working with tools, the inputs and outputs tree, pretty connective student axe or a saw, the best lumberjack in the world maybe like three x better than one of the worst lumberjacks, right? It's not gonna be a gigantic difference So you want to look for professions and careers with the inputs and the outputs or how they disconnected. There's another way of saying that you want to look for things that are leveraged, and by leverage, I don't mean financial leverage alone, like Wall Street uses. And that has a bad name. I'm just talking about tools were using tools. Computer is a tool that software engineers use. If I'm a lumberjack with bulldozers and automatic robot act saws, I'm gonna be using tools and have more leverage than someone who's just using his bare hands and try and rip the trees out by their roots, tools and leverage, or what create this disconnection between inputs and outputs. Creativity to the higher the creativity component of a profession, the more likely it is to have disconnected inputs and outputs. So I think that if you're looking at professions where you're inflicting, your outputs are highly connected, it's gonna be very, very, very hard to create wealth and make wealth for yourself in that process,


any other big things you should avoid other than renting out your time.


Yeah, they're two tweets that I put out that are related so the first one's talking about someone like how your lifestyle, you know, has to upgrade, shouldn't get upgraded too fast. And that one said, people who are living far below their means enjoying freedom, that people busy upgrading their lifestyles just can't fathom. And I think that's very important, like Justin, not upgrade your left out all the time to maintain your freedom, and it just gives your freedom of operation. Once you make a little bit of money, you still want to be living like your old self so that just the worry goes away, too. Don't run out to upgrade that house and lifestyle and all that stuff like that you're gonna pay $2000 an hour. The problem is that when you go into a work lifestyle like that, you don't just suddenly go from making $20 an hour to making $1000 an hour. That's a progression over a long career. And as that happens, one subtle problem is that you upgrade your lifestyle as you make more and more money, and that upgrading on the lifestyle ups what you consider to be wealth and you stay in this wage slave trap so African who said it maybe was not seen Tele. But he said, You know, the most dangerous things are heroin and a monthly salary right, because they're highly addictive. The way you want to get wealthy is you want to be poor and working and working and working. And this is, for example, how the tech industry works, where you don't make any money for 10 years, and then suddenly, in your 11 you might have a giant payday. Which is what, by the way, one reason why these very high marginal tax rates with so called wealthier flawed because the highest staking, most creative professions that will be lose money for a decade of your life while you take massive risks and you bleed and bleed and bleed. And then suddenly, in your 11 or your 15 you might have one single big payday. But then, of course, Uncle Sam show up and say, Hey, you know what? You just made a lot of money this year. Therefore, you're rich. Therefore you're evil, and you gotta hand it all over to us, so it just destroys those kinds of creative risk taking professions. But ideally, you want to make your money in discreet lumps separated over long periods of time so that your own lifestyle does not have a chance to adapt quickly. And then you can say, OK, now I'm done. Now I'm retired now. I'm free. I'm still gonna work because you got to do something with your life. But I'm gonna work on only the things that I want when I want and still be much more creative expression than much less about money.


You're not going to get rich renting out your time. But you say that you will get rich by giving society what it wants, but does not yet know how to get at scale.


That's right. So essentially actually talked about before. Money is io used from society, saying you did something good in the past. Now here's something that we owe you for the future, and so society will pay you for creating things that it wants. But society doesn't yet know how to create those things because if it did, it would need you. They would already be stamped out big time. Almost everything in your house, in your workplace and on the street used to be technology at one point in time, the time when oil was technology that made J. D. Rockefeller rich. There's a time when cars were technology that made Henry Ford rich, so technology is just a set of things, Alan Kay said. That don't quite work yet. Once something works is no longer technology. So society always wants new things. And if you want to be wealthy, you want to figure out which one of those things you can provide for society, that it does not yet know how to get, but it will want that's natural to you and within your skill set within your capabilities and then you if a guy to scale it, because if you just build one of it, that's not enough. You gotta build thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions or billions of them so everybody can have one. Steve Jobs and his team, of course, figured out that society would point smartphones computer in their pocket. That had all the phone kid Buddy Time's 100 be easy to use. So they figured out how to build that, and then they figured out how to scale it, and the figure that had to get one into every First World Citizens Pocket and eventually every third bowl citizen, too. And so because of that, they're handsomely rewarded. An apple is the most valuable company in the world.


The way I tried to put it was that the entrepreneurs job is to try to bring the high end to the mass market.


It starts, is high end. First, it starts as an active creativity. First, you created just because you want it, you want it and you know how to build it and you need it. And so you build it for yourself. Then you figure out how to get it to other people. And then for a little while rich people have it like, for example, rich people had chauffeurs, and then they had black town cars and then uber came along and everyone's private driver. It was available to everybody. And now you can even see uber pools that are replacing shuttle buses because it's more convenient. And then you get scooters, which would even further down market of that. So you're right. It's about distributing what rich people used tohave to everybody. But the entrepreneurs job starts even before that, which is creation, entrepreneurship is essentially inactive, creating something new from scratch, predicting the society will want it and then figuring out how to scale it and get it to everybody in a profitable way and self sustaining way. Let's look


at this next tweet, which I thought was cryptic and also super interesting about the kind of job or career that you might have, You said the Internet has massively brought in the possible space of careers. Most people haven't figured this out yet.


The fundamental property of the Internet, more than any other single thing, is it connects every human to each other, human on the planet. You can now reach everyone, whether it's by emailing them personally. Let us buy broad cast into them on Twitter weddings by posting something on Facebook that they find, whether it's by putting words had become an access. It connects everyone to everyone, so the Internet is an inter networking tool. It connects everybody that isn't super power, so you want to use that. What that helps you figure out is that the Internet means that you can find your audience for your product or talent, and still, no matter how far away they are, for example, Nunan, who's ill. A service. If you look at these videos pre Internet, how would we get the message out there? It would just be, What would he do? He would run around where he lives in his neighborhood, showing it to people on a computer or a screen. Or he would try to get it played in a local movie theater. It was impossible. It only works because he can put it on the Internet. And then how many people in the world are really interested in it, or even interested? What we're talking about really gonna absorb it, right? It's gonna be a very small subset of humanity. The key is being able to reach them. So what the Internet does is allows any niche obsession, which could be just the weirdest thing. It could be like people who collect snakes like people who like the right hot air balloons to people who like the sail around the world by themselves, just one person on the craft, or someone who's obsessed with miniature cooking like there's this whole Japanese major cooking phenomenon or there's a show about a woman, goes in people's houses and tidy is it up right? So whatever Mitch obsession you have, the Internet allows of the scale Now. That's not to say that what you build will be the next Facebook to reach billions of users. But if you just want to reach 50,000 passionate people like you, there's an audience out there for you. So the beauty of this is that we have seven doing beings on this planet, the combinatorics of human DNA. Incredible. Everyone is completely different. You'll never meet any two people who have Vegas similar to each other that can substitute for each other. It's not against a well, maybe just left my life so I can have this other person come in. And he's just like, maybe, and I get the same feelings, the same responses and the same ideas. No, there are no substitutes for people. People are completely unique. So given that each person has different skill sets, different interests, different obsessions, and it's that diversity that becomes a creative superpowers, each person could be creatively superb at their own unique thing. But before that didn't matter, because if you're living a little fishing village in Italy like you're fishing, Village didn't actually need your completely unique still, and you had to conform to just a few jobs that were available. But now, today you could be completely unique. You can go out on the Internet and you can find your audience, and you can build a business and create a product and build wealth and make people happy. Just uniquely expressing yourself through the Internet space of careers have been so broaden the sports players people making millions of dollars playing fortnight, people creating videos and upload it on YouTube. Broadcasters, bloggers, You know, a podcaster Joe Rogan, I read true or false, I don't know, but everything he's gonna make about $100 million a year on his podcast and he's had two billion down boats. Even peut Pie is a hilarious tweet that I retweeted the other day. Peut pies, the number one trusted main and news. This is a kid, I think, in Sweden, and he's got three times the distribution of the top cable news networks. Something's news channels that even on his entertainment channel, the Internet enables any Mitch interest as long as you're the best at it takes scale out, and the great news is because every human is different. Everyone is the best at something you being themselves. Another tweet I have that is worth weaving in but didn't go into this tweet storm was a very simple one. I like things. Then they can compress them down because they're easy to remember it easy to hook on to. But that one was escaped competition to do authenticity. So when you're competing with people, it's because you're copying them. It's because you're trying to do the same thing, but every human is different. Don't copy. I know where my medic creatures and Rene Girard has hold my messes theory, but it's much easier than that. Don't imitate, don't copy. Just do your own thing. No one can compete with you on being you. It's that simple. And so the more authentic you are to who you are and what you love to do, the less competition you're gonna have so you can escape competition through authenticity when you realize that knowing you can be with you on being you. And normally that would have been useless. Advice. Pre Internet, post Internet. You can turn that into a career,


talk a little bit about what industries. You should think about working in what kind of job you should have and who you might want to work with. So you said one should pick an industry where you can play long term games with long term people. Why,


yeah, this is an insight into what makes Silicon Valley work and what makes high trust societies work. Essentially, all the benefits in life come from compound interests, whether it's in relationships or making money or in learning. So compound interest is a marvelous force where it's like, you know, you start out with one ex what you have, and then if you increase 20% a year for 30 years, it's not that you got 30 years times 20% added on. It was calm pounding, so it just grew and grew and grew until you suddenly got a massive amount of whatever it is, whether it's good will or love or relationships or money. So I think compound interest is very important for so you have to go to play a long term game. And long term games are good, not just for compound interest. They're also good for trust. If you look at prisoner's dilemma, type games. A solution to prisoner dilemma is tit for tat, which is I'm just going to do to you what you did last time to me with some forgiveness in case there was a mistake made. But that only works in iterated Pistol Prisoner's Dilemma. In other words, we play the game multiple times. So if you're in a situation like, for example, you're in Silicon Valley where people doing business with each other and they know each other, they trust each other than they do right by each other because they know this person will be around for the next game. Now, of course, that doesn't always work because you could make so much money in one move in Silicon Valley. Sometimes people betray each other because they're just like, I'm gonna get rich enough of off this, that I don't care. So there can be exceptions to all the circumstances, but essentially, if you want to be successful, you have to work with other people, and you have to figure out who can you trust? And who can you trust over a long, long period of time that you could just keep playing the game with them? so that compound interest in high trust, we'll make it easy to play the game and to collect the major rewards, which are usually at the end of the cycle. So, for example, Warren Buffett have done really well as an investor in the U. S. Stock market. But the biggest reason you could do that was because the U. S stock market has been stable and around and didn't get, for example, seized by the government during a bad administration or the U. S didn't plunge in some war. The underlying platform didn't get destroyed. So in his case, he was playing a long term game, and the trust came from the U. S. Stock market stability in Silicon Valley. The trust comes from the network of people in the small geographic area that you figure out over time who you can work with. You can't if you keep switching locations, you keep switching groups. Let's say you started out in the woodworking industry and you build up a network there and you're working hard. You're trying to build a product woodworking in the street, and suddenly a minute industry comes along. That's adjacent, but different. But you don't really know anybody in it. And you want to dive in and make money there. If you keep hopping from industry? No, actually, anything. Open a line of electric car stations for electric car refueling That might make sense. That might be the best opportunity. But every time you reset, every time you wander out of where you build your network, you're gonna be starting from scratch. You're not gonna know who to trust. They're not gonna trust you. There also industries in which people are transient. By definition, they're always coming in and going out. Politics is an example of that right in politics, new people being elected. You see in politics that when you have a lot of old timers like the Senate, people have been around for a long time and they've been career politicians. Yeah, there's a lot of downside the career politicians that corruption button upside is they actually get deals done with each other because they know the other person's gonna be in the same position 10 years from now, and they've got to keep dealing with them so they might as well learn how to cooperate where every time you get like a new incoming freshman class in the House of Representatives, which turns over every two years. The big wave election. Nothing gets done because a lot of fighting, because I just got here. I don't know you. I don't know if you're gonna be around. Why should I work with you rather than just trying to do whatever I think is right? So it's important to pick an industry where you can play long term games and with long term people. So those people have to signal that they're gonna be around for a long time that they're ethical and their ethics are visible to their actions


in a long term game. It seems that everybody is making each other rich. And in a short term game, it seems like everybody's making themselves rich.


I think that is a brilliant formulation. Yeah, in long term game, it's positive. Some were all baking a pie together. We're trying to make it as biggest possible in a short term game. We're cutting up the pie now. This is not to excuse the Socialists, right? The socialist of people who were not involved in baking the pie who show up at the end and say I want to slice or I want the whole pie, the show but the guns. But I think a good meter doesn't take credit. The leader tries to inspire people's that the team get the job done, and then things get divided up according to fairness and who contributed how much as close to it is possible and took a risk, as opposed to just whoever has the longest night of the sharpest knives at the end.


So these next two tweets are play iterated games. All returns in life, whether in wealth, relationships or knowledge come from compound interest.


Yeah, when you have been doing business with somebody who did friends with somebody for 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, it just gets better and better because you trust them so easy. At the friction goes down. You can do bigger and bigger things together. For example, you're the simplest. One is getting married to someone having kids and raising children like that's compound interest, right. Investing in those relationships those relations and would be invaluable compared to more casual relationships. It's true in health and fitness. You know the fitter you are, the easier it is to stay fit. Where's the morning? Deteriorate your body. The harder it is to come back and claw your way back to a baseline requires heroic acts


regarding compound interest. I think I saw you Retweet something a while back. Maybe it was from Ed Lattimore. It went something along the lines of Get some traction, get purchase and don't lose it. So the idea was to gain some initial attraction and never fall back. Just keep ratcheting up. But, uh,


I remember exactly, but I think that was right. It was like, Get traction and don't let go. It was a good one. Yeah, in terms of pick people to work with and have high intelligence, high energy and high integrity, I find that's the three part checklist that you cannot compromise on. You need someone who's smart or they're heading in the wrong direction, and you're not gonna end up in the right place. You need someone high energy because the world is full of smart, lazy people. We all know people in our lives. We're really smart. But you know, I can't get out of bed or lift a finger. And we also know people who are very high energy, but not that smart. They work hard, but they're running in the wrong direction. And smart. It's not a pro Georgie with not meant to be like someone smart. Someone else's stupid. But it's more than everyone smarted different things. So depending on what you want to do, well, you have to find someone who's smart at that thing and then energy. A lot of times, people are unmotivated for a specific thing, but they're not motivated for other things. For example, someone might be really unmotivated, can go to a job and sit in an office. But there might be really motivated to go paint, right? Well, in that case, there should be a painter. They should be putting art up on the Internet, trying to figure out how to build a career out of act rather than wearing a collar around their neck and going to a dreary job. And then high integrity is the most important, because otherwise, if you've got the other two, what you have is you have a smart and hardworking crook was eventually gonna cheat you. So you have to figure out if the person's high integrity and as we talked about the way you do that is through signals and signals is what they do, not what they say. It's all the non verbal stuff that people do when they think nobody's looking


with respect to the energy. There was this interesting thing from Sam Altman a while back, where he was talking about delegation and even saying One of the important things for delegation is delegate to people who are actually good at the thing that you want. T. O is the most obvious thing, but it seems like you want a partner with people who are naturally going to do the things that you want them to. D'oh!


Yeah, I almost won't start a company or higher person or work with somebody if I just don't think they're into what I wanted to do. When I was younger, I used to try and talk people into things I wasn't ideally and sell someone into doing something. But you can't. You can't keep them motivated. You can get them inspired. Initially, it might work if you're king with Henry the fifth, and try and get them to this charge into battle and then they'll figure it out. But if you're trying to keep someone motivated for the long term. That motivation has to come intrinsically. You can't just create it. Nor can you be the crutch for them if they don't have that intrinsic motivation. So you have to make sure people actually are high energy and want to do what you want them to do. What you wanna work with them. Reading signals is very, very important. Signals are what people do. Despite what they say, though, it's important to pay attention to settle signals. We all know that socially, if someone treats a waiter or waitress in a restaurant really badly, then it's only a matter of time until they treat you badly. If somebody screws over an enemy and is vindictive towards them, well, it's only a matter of time before they redefined you from friend to enemy. And you feel the raft so angry. Outrage, vindictive, short term thinking. People are essentially that way in many interactions. Little life people are oddly consistent. One things you learn about them so you want to find long term people. You want to find people who seem irrationally ethical. For example, I had one friend of mine was company I invested in and the company failed, and you could have wiped out all the investors. But he kept putting more and more personal money, and through three different pivots he put personal money. And until the company finally succeeded and in the process, he never wiped out the investors. And I was always grateful to him for that. I said, like Why? That's amazing that, you know, you were so good to investors. You didn't wipe them out and he got offended by that. He said. I didn't do it for you. I didn't do it for my message. I did it for me. It's my own self esteem. It's what I care about. That's how I live my life. That's the kind of person you want to work with. Another quote that I like. I would tweet on this thing. I read this somewhere else originally, so I'm not taking credit for this. But I modified a little bit, which is that self esteem is a reputation that you have with yourself. You'll always know. So good people, moral people, ethical people, easy to work with people. Reliable people tend to have very high self esteem because they have very good reputation with themselves, and they understand that it's not ego, self esteem and ego, different things. That ego can be undeserving but self esteem. At least you feel like you lived up to your own internal moral code of ethics. And so it's very hard to work with people who end up being low integrity, that it's hard to figure out who's high integrity and loyalty generally. The more someone is saying that their moral and ethical and high integrity, the less likely they are to be that way. It's very much like status signaling if you overly bid for status. If you overly talk about being high status, that is a low status move. If you openly talk about how honest and reliable and trustworthy you are, you're probably not that honest and trustworthy. That is a characteristic of convent. So yeah, picking an industry in which you can play long term games with long term people.


Let's get this last tweet. You said Don't partner with cynics and pessimists. Their beliefs are self fulfilling.


Yeah, essentially, to create things, you have to be a rational optimist, rational in the sense that you have to see the world for what it really is, And yet you have to be optimistic about your own capabilities and your capability to get things done. We all know people who are consistently pessimistic who will shoot down everything. Everyone in their life was like the helpful critical guy, right? He thinks he's being helpful, but he's actually being critical and he's a downer on everything. That person will not on Lee never do anything great in their lives. They will prevent other people around them for doing something great. They think their job is to shoot holes in things, and it's okay to shoot holes in things as long as you come up with a solution. There's also the classic look military line. Either lead, follow or get out of the way, and these people want 1/4 option where they don't want to lead. They don't want to follow, but they don't want to get out of the way. They want to tell you why the things not work and all the really successful people I know have a very strong action bias. They just do things. The easiest way to figure out if something's viable or not, is by doing it, at least do the first step in the second step in the third and then decide. So if you want to be successful in life, creating wealth or having good relationships or being fit, or even being happy, you need to have an action bias towards getting what you want and you have to be optimistic about it, not irrationally. There's nothing worse than someone was this thick, foolhardy and chasing. It's not work. That's that's a rational optimist. But you have to be rational. No, all the pitfalls know the downsides, but still keep your chin up. I mean, you've got one life on this planet. Why not try to build something big? This is the beauty of Elon Musk and wife, and he inspires so many people. Assistant takes on really, really big, audacious tasks, and he provides an example for people to think big, and it takes a lot of work to build even small things. I don't think the corner grocery store owner is working any less hard than Elon Musk or pouring any less sweat and toil into it, maybe even more. But for whatever reason, education circumstance, they didn't get the chance they think as big. So the outcome's not as big. So it's just better to think big, obviously rationally, within your means, to stay optimistic. The cynics of the pessimists, what they're really saying and fortunate. But they're saying, I have given up. I don't think I can do anything. And so the world to me just looks like a world where nobody can do anything. And so why should you go do something? Because if you fail that I'm right, which is great. But if you succeed, then you just make me look bad.


Yeah, it's probably better to be irrational optimists than it is to be irrational cynic.


Yeah, there's a completely rational frame on why you should be an optimist historically, if you go back 2000 years. 5000. There's 10,000 years to people wandering through the jungle. They hear a tiger. One's an optimist and says, Oh, it's not heading our way. The other one says, I'm a pessimist. I'm outta here and the pessimists runs and survives and the optimist gets eaten. So we descended from pessimists were genetically hardwired to be pessimists. But modern society is far, far safer. There no tigers wandering down the street. It's very unlikely that you will end up in total ruin, although you should avoid total ruin, much more likely that the upside is unlimited and the downside is is limited. So adapting for modern society means overriding your pessimism and taking slightly irrationally optimistic bets because the upside is unlimited. If you start the next space expert, Tesla or uber, you could make billions of dollars of value for society and for yourself and change the world. And if you fail, what's the big deal? You lost a few $1,000,000 invested money, and they've got plenty more, and that's the bet they take the chances that you will succeed. It made sense to be pessimistic in the past. It makes sense to be optimistic today, especially if you're educated living in a First World country. Even if you're a real country. Actually think the economic I've had an opportunity to Third World countries are much larger. The one thing you have to avoid is the risk of ruin. Ruin means to stay out of jail, so don't do anything that's illegal. It's never worth it to wear an orange jumpsuit and stay out of total catastrophic loss. That could mean that you stay out of things that could be physically dangerous, hurt your body. You have to watch your health and stay out of things that can cause you to lose all of your capital of all of your savings. Little gamble, everything at one go, but you take rationally optimistic bets with big upside.


I think there's people that will try and build up your ideas and build on your ideas, no matter how far freshly might seem. And then there are people who will list of all the obvious exceptions, no matter how obvious they are. And fortunately in the start up world, I don't even really get exposed to the people that are giving you the obvious exceptions and all the reasons it's not going to work. I barely get exposed that anymore.


That's a Twitter is for Scott Adams got so annoyed by this dedicated with the phrase an acronym, which is. But of course, there are obvious exceptions. B o c t a l e. And he used to like pin that acronym but the end of his articles for a while. But Twitter is just like overrun with pictures. And what exactly is your pointing out? Silicon Valley has learned that the upside is so great that you never look down on the sloppy kid. He's wearing a hoody and has, like coffee on his shoes and just looked like a slob because you don't know if he's gonna be the next Mark Zuckerberg or the next rehab. You gotta treat everybody with respect. You gotta look up Thio every possibility, an opportunity, because the upside is so unlimited. The downside is so limited in the modern world, especially with financial assets and instruments,


you want to talk a little bit about the skills that you need in particular specific knowledge, accountability, leverage and judgment. So the first tweet in this area is arm yourself with specific knowledge, accountability and leverage, and all throw in judgment as well. I don't think you covered that in that particular to you.


If you want to make money, you have to get paid at scale. And why you? That's accountability at scale. That's leverage and just you getting paid as opposed to somebody else. Getting paid that specific knowledge, so specific knowledge is probably the hardest thing to get across in this whole Tweetstorm, and it's probably the thing that people get the most confused about. The thing is that we have this idea that everything can be taught. Everything could be taught in school, and it's not true that everything could be taught. In fact, the most interesting things cannot be taught, but everything can be learned and very often that learning either comes from some innate characteristics in your D N A. Or it could be through your childhood where you learn soft skills, which are very, very hard to teach later on in life. Or it's something that is brand new, so nobody else knows how to do it either. Or it's true on the job training because your pattern matching into highly complex environments building judgment in a specific domain classic example is investing. But it could be anything it could be in judgment in running a fleet of trucks could be judgment in weather forecasting. So specific knowledge is the knowledge that you care about, especially if you're later in life. Let's say your post 2021 22. You almost don't get to choose which specific knowledge you have. Rather, you get to look at what you have already built by that point time, and then you can build on top. Pull it. The first thing to notice about specific knowledge is that you can't be trained for it if you can be trained for it. If you could go to a class and learn specific knowledge, then somebody else could be trained for it, too. And then we can mass produce and mass train people have given program computers to do it and eventually weaken program robots to walk around doing it. So if that's the case, then you're extremely replaceable. And all we have to pay you is the minimum wage that we have to pay you to get you to do it when there are lots of other takers who can be trained to do it. So, really, your returns just devolved into your cost of training, plus the return on investment on that training. So you really want to pick up specific knowledge you need your schooling. You need your training to be able to capitalize on the best specific knowledge. But the part of it the Julia paid for it is the specific knowledge. For example, someone who goes and gets a degree in psychology and then becomes a sales person well, if they were already a formidable sales person had great salesmanship to begin with, then a psychology degree is leverage arms them, and they do much better at sales. But if they were always an introvert, never very good at sales, and they're trying to use psychology to learn sales, they're just not going to get that great at it. Specific knowledge is found much more by pursuing your innate talents, your genuine curiosity and your passion. It's not by going to school for whatever is the hottest job. It's not for going into whatever fueled investor stay is the hottest, very often specific knowledge is at the edge of knowledge. It's also stuff that's just being figured out or is really hard to figure out. So if you're not 100% into it, somebody else who is 100% into it will outperform you, and they won't just outperform. You buy a little bit, they'll perform. You buy a lot because now we're operating the domain of ideas. Compound interest really applies, and leverage really applies. So if you're operating with 1000 times leverage and somebody is right 80% of the time, and somebody is else right, 90% of time. The person who's right 90% of time will literally get paid hundreds of times more by the market because of the leverage and because of the compounding factors and being correct. So you really want to make sure you're good at it, so they're genuine. Curiosity is very important, so very often it's not something you sit down in your reason about. It's more found by observation. You almost have to look back on your own life and see what you're actually good at. For example, I wanted to be a scientist, and that is where a lot of my moral hierarchy comes. From my view, scientists at the top of the production chain for humanity and the group of scientists who have made real breakthroughs and contributions have probably added more to human society, I think, than any single other class of human beings not to take away anything from art or politics or engineering or business, but without the science. You know, we'd still be scrabbling in the dirt, fighting with sticks and trying to start fires. My whole value system was built around scientists, and I wanted to be a great scientist. But when I actually look back at what I was uniquely good at and what I ended up spending my time doing, it was Maura around making money, tinkering with technology and selling people on things, explaining things, talking to people. So I have some sales skills, which is a form of specific knowledge that I have. I have some analytical skills around how to make money and having this ability to absorb data, obsess about it and break it down, and that is a specific skill that I have. I also just love tinkering with technology, and all of this stuff feels like play to me. But it looks like work to others. So there are other people to whom these things would be hard. They say, like, Well, how do I get good at being pithy and selling ideas? Well, if you're not already good at it, if you're not really into it, maybe it's not your thing. Focus on the thing that you are really into. This is ironic, but the first person that actually point out my riel specific knowledge was my mother, and she did it as an aside talking from the kitchen. And she said it when I was like, 15 or 16 years old. I was telling a friend of mine that I want to be an astrophysicist and she said, No, you're gonna go into business And I was like, What? My mom's telling me I'm gonna be in business. I'm gonna be an astrophysicist. Mom doesn't know what she's talking about, but Mom knew exactly what she was talking about. She had already observed that every time we walk down the street, I would critique the local pizza parlor on why they were selling their slices a certain way with certain toppings and why their process of ordering was this way when it should have been that way. So she knew that I was just had a more of a business curious mind. But then my obsession with science combined to create technology and technology businesses where I found myself so very often your specific knowledge is observed and often observed by other people who know you well and revealed in situations arrive in something that you come up with. To the extent that specific knowledge is taught. It's on the job. It's through apprenticeships. And that's why the best businesses, the best careers are the apprenticeship careers, because those were things of society still has not figured out how to train and automate. Yet the classic line here is that Warren Buffett went to Benjamin Graham when he got out of school, and Benjamin Graham is the author. The intelligent investor is sort of modernized or created. Value investing is a discipline, and Warren Buffett went to Benjamin Graham and offered to work for him for free. And Graham said, Actually, your overpriced free is over. Price and Graham was absolutely right that when it comes to a very valuable apprenticeship, like the type that Graham was going to give Buffett, Buffett should have been paying him a lot of money. And that right there tells you that those air skills worth knowing specific knowledge also tends to be technical and creative. So on the bleeding edge of technology on the bleeding edge of art on the bleeding edge of communication even today, for example, there are probably mean lords out there on the Internet who can create incredible means that will spread the idea to millions of people or are very persuasive. Like, for example, Scott Adams of the example. This he's essentially becoming one of the most credible people in the world by making accurate predictions through persuasive arguments and videos. And that is specific knowledge that he has built up over the years because he got obsessed with hypnosis when he was young, he learned how to communicate through cartooning. He embraced Periscope released, so he's been practicing lots of conversation. He's read all the books on the topic he's employed in his everyday life. If you look at his girlfriend, she's like this beautiful young Instagram model that is example of someone who has built up a specific knowledge over the course of his career. It's highly creative. It has elements of being technical in it, and it's something that is never gonna be automated. No one's gonna take that away from him because he's also accountable under one brand, A. Scott Adams, and he's operating with the leverage of media with periscope and drawing Dilbert cartoons and writing books. He has massive leverage on top of that brand, and he can build wealth out of it if he wanted to build additional wealth beyond what he already has.


Should we be calling it unique knowledge or two specific knowledge somehow make more sense for it?


You know, I came up with this framework when I was really young, and we're talking decades and decades is not probably over 30 years old, and so at the time, to specific knowledge, stuck with me. So that is how I think about it. The reason I didn't try and change it is because every other term that I found for it was overloaded in a different way. At least specific knowledge isn't that used. I can rebrand it. The probably unique knowledge is yeah, maybe it's unique, but if I learn it from somebody else is no longer unique, then we both know it. So it's not so much that is unique. It's that it is highly specific to the situation. It's specific to the individual. It's specific to the problem, and it can only be built as part of a larger obsession, interest and time spent in that domain. It can't just be read straight out of a single book, nor could be taught in a single course. Nor can be programmed into a single algorithm.


Speaking of Ah Scott Adams, he's gotta block post on how to build your career by getting in, say, the top 25 percentile at three or more things. And by doing that, you become the only person in the world who can do those three things in the 25th percentile. So instead of trying to be the best at one thing, you just try to be very, very good at three or more things. Is that a way of building specific knowledge?


I actually think the best. It was just a follow your own obsession and someone in the back of your mind. You can realize that they actually this obsession, like I'll keep an eye out for the commercial aspects of it. But I think if you go around trying to build it a little too deliberately, if you become too goal oriented on the money, then you won't pick the right thing. You won't actually pick the thing that you love to do, so you won't go deep enough into it. Scott Adams Observation is a good one. It's predicated on statistics. Let's say there's 10,000 areas that are valuable to the human race today in terms of knowledge tohave, and the number one in those 10,000 slots is taken right. Someone else is likely to be the number one each of those 10,000 unless you happen to be one of the 10,000 most obsessed people in the world that have given think. But when you start going the combinatorics of combining well number 3007 or 28 with top notch sales skills and really good writing skills and so understands accounting and finance really well when the need for the intersection arrives, you've expanded now from 10,000 through combinatorics to millions or tens of millions, so it just becomes much less competitive. Also, there's diminishing returns, so it's much easier to be top 75 percentile at three or four things. That is, to be literally the number one at something. I think it's a very pragmatic approach, but I think it's important that one not start assembling things to deliberately because you do want to pick things where you are a natural. Everyone is a natural. It's something we're all familiar with. That phrase unnatural or this person's that a natural at meeting men are aware expressions and natural socialite. This person's a natural program that this person is a natural leader. So whatever you are a natural at, you want to double down on that. And then there are probably multiple things your natural, because personalities and humans are very complex. So we want to be able to take the things that you are a natural act and combine them so that you automatically just assure interest and enjoyment. End up Top 25 or top 10 or top 5% at a number of things.


Talking about combining skills, you said that you should learn to sell, learn to build. If you can do both, you will be unstoppable.


You know, this is a very broad category. Nevins. Two broad categories. One is building the product, which is hard, and it's a multi variant that can include design that conclude development that could include manufacturing, logistics, procurement. It could even be designing and operating a service. It has many, many definitions, but in every industry there is a definition of the builder in our tech industry. That's the CTO is. The programmer is the software engineer hardware engineer, but you know, even in, like a laundry business, it could be the person who's building the laundry service, who is making the trains run on Time was making sure all the clothes end up in the right place, the right time and so on. Then the other side of it is the sales side. Again, selling has a very broad definition. Selling doesn't actually just mean selling individual customers, but it could mean marketing. It could mean communicating. It could mean recruiting it could be and raising money. It could meet inspiring people. It could be in doing PR. So it's a broad umbrella category. So generally, the Silicon Valley startup model tends to work best. It's not the only way, but it is probably the most common way when you have two founders, one of whom is a world class, it sails and one of whom is world class at building an example. Of course, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak with Apple, Gates and Allen probably has similar responsibility early on with Microsoft. Larry and Sergei, you know, probably broke down along those lines, although it is a little different there because that was a very technical product delivered to and users through a simple interface. But generally you will see this pattern repeated over and over. There's a builder, and there's a cellar. There's a C on CTO combo and adventure and technology Investors are almost trained to look for this combo whenever possible. It's the magic combination. The ultimate is when one individual can do both. That's when you get true superpowers. That's when you get people who can create entire trees. The living example is Elon Musk. He monotonous would be building the Rockets himself, but he understands enough that he actually makes technical contributions. He understands the technology well enough that no one's gonna snow him on it. And he's not running around making claims that he doesn't think he can eventually deliver. He may be optimistic the timelines, but he thinks it's within reasonableness of delivery. Even Steve Jobs developed enough product skills and was involved enough of the product that he also operate in both of these domains. Larry Else and start as a programmer and, I think, wrote the first version of Oracle or was actually heavily involved in it. Mark and reason was also in this domain. He may not have had enough confidence in sales skills, but he was the programmer who wrote Netscape Navigator, a big chunk of it. So I think the rial giants in any field are the people who can both build and sell. And usually the building is a thing that, like a sales person, can't pick up building later in life. It requires too much focus time. But a builder can pick up selling a little bit later, especially if they were already innately wired to be a good communicator. Bill Gates famously paraphrase this as I would rather teach an engineer marketing than a marketer. Engineering. I think if you start out with a building mentality and you have building skills and still early enough in your life, or you have enough focus time that you think you can learn selling and you have some natural characteristics for your good sales person, then you can double down on those Now your sales skills could be in a different than traditional domain. So, for example, let's say you're really good engineer, and then people are saying, Well, now you need to be good at sales. Well, you may not be good at hand. A hand sales. But you may be a really good writer, and writing is a skill that can be learned much more easily than, say, in person selling. And so you may just cultivate writing skills until you become a good online communicator and then use that for your sales. On the other hand, it could just be that you're a good builder and you're bad at writing and you don't let communicate to mass audiences. But you're good one on one. So then you might use your cell skills for recruiting of her fundraising, which are more one on one kind of endeavors. This is pointing out that if you are at the intersection of these two, don't despair because you're not gonna be the best technologist and you're not going to be the best sales person. But in a weird way, that combination back the Scott Adam Skill stack. That combination of two is unstoppable long term people who understand the underlying product and howto build it and can sell it these air cabinet to investors. These people can break down walls if they have enough energy, and they can get almost anything done.


If you could only pick one to be good at which one would you pick when


you're trying to stand out from the noise building is actually better because there's so many hustlers and sales people who have nothing to back them up. When you're starting out when you're trying to be recognized, building is better. But much later down the line building gets exhausting because it is a focus job. And it's hard to stay current because there's always new people, new products coming up, who have newer tools and, frankly, more time because it's very intense, very focused task. So sales skills actually scale better over time. Like, for example, if you have a reputation for building a great product, that's good. But when you ship your new product, I'm gonna value based on the product. But if you have a reputation for being a good person and do business with and your persuasive and communicative than that reputation almost become self fulfilling. So I think if you only had to pick one, you can start with building and then transition to selling is a cop out answer. But I think that is actually the right answer.


Before we go and talk about accountability and leverage and judgment. You've got a few tweets further down the line that I would put in the category of continuous learning. They're essentially there is no skill called business. Avoid business magazines in business class study microeconomics in theory, psychology, persuasion, ethics, mathematics and computers. There's one other comment that you made in a periscope that was You should be able to pick up any book in the library and read it. And the last tweet in this category was reading is faster than listening. Doing is faster than watching.


Yeah, the most important tweet on this I don't even have in here, Unfortunately, which is the foundation of learning is reading, I don't know a smart person who doesn't read and read all the time. And the problem is what I read. How do I read? Because for most people to struggle, it's ashore. So the most important thing is just to learn how to educate yourself and the way to educate yourself s and develop a love for reading. So the tweet that has left out the one that was hinting yet is read what you love until you love to read it is that simple. Everybody I know who reads a lot loves to read, and they love to read because they read books that they loved. It's a little bit of a Catch 22 but you want to start off just reading wherever you are and then keep building up from there until reading becomes a habit. And then eventually you'll just get bored of the simple stuff. So you may start off reading fiction than you might graduate the science fiction. Then you may graduate, too nonfiction. Then you make graduate to science or philosophy, mathematics or whatever it is. But take your natural path and just read the things that interest you until you understand them and then you'll naturally move to the next thing and the next thing and the next thing. Now there is an exception to this, which is where I was hinting with what things you actually do want to learn, which is at some point there's too much out there to read, and even reading is full of junk. There are actually things you can re especially early on, that will program your brain a certain way and then later things that you read, you will decide with those things were true or false based on the earlier things. So it is important that you read foundational things and foundational things, I would say, are the original books in a given field that are very scientific in their nature. So, for example, instead of reading a business book, pick up Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations. Instead of reading a book on biology or evolution that's written today, I would pick up Darwin's origin of species instead of reading a book on biotech. Right now that may be very advanced. I would just pick up the eight day of creation by Watson and Crick instead of reading advanced books on What cosmology and what Neil DeGrasse Tyson Stephen Hawking have been saying. You can pick up Richard Feinman six easy pieces that start with basic physics. If you understand the basics, especially in mathematics and physics and science is then you will not be afraid of any book. All of us have that memory of when we're sitting in class and we're learning mathematics. And it was all logical and all made sense until one point the class moved too fast and we fell behind And then after that, we were left memorizing equations, memorizing concepts without being would drive them from first principles. At that moment, we were lost. Because unless you're professional mathematician, you are not going to remember those things. All they're gonna remember are the techniques, the foundations. So you have to make sure that you're building on a steel frame of understanding because you're putting together a foundation for skyscraper and you're not just memorizing things because you're just memorizing things. You're lost. So the foundations are ultra important. And the ultimate Thea ultimate is when you walk into a library and you look at it up and down and you don't fear any book, you know that you can take any book off the shelf. You can read it. You could understand it. You can absorb what is true. You can reject what is false, and you have a basis for even working that out. That is logical and scientific and not purely just based on opinions. The beauty of the Internet is the entire library of Alexandria. Times 10 is at your fingertips at all times. It's not the means of education or the means of learning are scarce. The means of learning are abundant. It's the desire to learn that scarce. So you really have to cultivate that desire, and it's not even cultivated. You did not lose it. Children have a natural curiosity. If you go to a young child whose first learning language, they're pretty much always asking, What's this? What's that? Why is this? Who's that? They're always asking questions. But one of the problems is that schools and our educational system and even our way of raising children replaces curiosity with compliance. And once you replace the curiosity with the compliance, you get an obedient factory worker that you no longer get a creative thinker and you need creativity. You need the ability to feed your own brain toe, learn whatever you want, and to me, foundational things are principles, their algorithms, their deep seated logical understanding where you can defend it or attack it from any angle. And that's why microeconomics is important because macroeconomics, a lot of memorization, a lot of macro bullshit, as the scene tell up, says that it's easier to macro bullshit. That is the micro bullshit. Because macroeconomics is voodoo complex science meets politics. You can't find two macroeconomist to agree on anything these days and different macroeconomist get used by different politicians to peddle their different pep theories. There are even macro economists out there now peddling something called Modern Monster Theory, which says, Hey, except for this pesky thing called inflation, we could just print all the money that we want. Yes, except for this pesky thing called inflation. That's like saying, instead of limited energy, we can fire rockets off into space all day long. It's just nonsense. But the fact that there are people who have macro economists in their title in our peddling modern mind or a theory just tells you that macroeconomics as a so called science, has been corrupted so blanche of politics. So you really want to focus on the foundation's foundation. The ultimate foundation are mathematics and logic. If you understand logic and mathematics, then you have the basis for understanding scientific method. Once you understand the scientific method, then you can understand how to separate truth from falsehood and other fields and other things that you're really. So be very careful about reading other people's opinions and even be careful about reading facts because so called facts are often just opinions, but you know, with a veneer around them, what you really are looking for us algorithms. What you're really looking for is understanding. It's better to go through a book really slowly and so struggle and stumbled and rewind. That is to fly through it quickly and say, Well, now I read 20 books. Every 30 books ever had 50 books in the field. It's like Bruce Lee said. I don't fear the man who knows 1000 kicks in the 1000 punches, I feared the man who's practiced one punch 10,000 times or one kick 10,000 times. It's that understanding that comes through repetition and three usage, and through logic and foundations, that really makes you a smart thinker


to lay a foundation for learning for the rest of your life. I think you need two things. If I was gonna try and sum it up. One practical persuasion and two, you need to go deep in some technical category, whether it's abstract math or you want to read Donald Kanoute's books on algorithms or you want to read Fineman's lectures on physics. If you have practical persuasion and a deep understanding of some complex topic. I think you'll have a great foundation for learning for the rest of your life.


Yeah, if I could expand it a little bit, I would say that the five most important skills are, of course, reading, writing, arithmetic and then, as you are adding in persuasion, were just talking. And then, finally, I would add computer programming just because it's an applied form of arithmetic that just gets you so much leverage for free in any domain that you operated. If you're good with computers, if you're good at basic mathematics, if you're good at writing, if you're good speaking, and if you like reading, you're set for life. So in that sense, business to me is bottom of the barrel. There's no actual skill called business. It's too generic of a thing. It's like a skill called relating, like relating to humans. That's not a skill. It's too broad. So a lot of what goes on in business schools, and there's some very intelligent stuff talking business schools. I don't need to track from them completely. But some of the stuff that's trying to business school is essentially just anecdotes. They call case studies, but it's just anecdotes, and they're trying to help you pattern match by throwing lots of data points at you. But the reality is you will never understand them fully until you're actually in that position yourself. Even then, you will find that basic concepts from game fury and psychology and ethics and mathematics, of computers and logic will serve you much, much better. So I would focus in the foundations. I would focus with a science bent. I would develop a love for reading, including by reading so called junk food that you're not supposed to read. You have to read the classics that is the foundation for your self education.


What did you mean when you said that doing is faster than watching


when you come to your learning curve if you wanna optimize your learning curve? One of the reasons why I don't love podcast, even though I'm a generator of podcasts, is that I like to consume my information very quickly, and now I'm a good reader of fast reader, and I can read very fast, but I can only listen at a certain speed. I know people listen to two x three x, but everyone sounds like a chipmunk, and it's hard to go back. Its hard to highlight. It's hard to pinpoint snippets and save them in your notebook and so on. Similarly, a lot of people think they can become really skilled at something by watching others do it, or even by reading about others doing it and going back to business. School case study. That's a classic example. You know, they study other people's businesses, but in reality, you know, learn a lot more about running a business by operating your own lemonade stand or equivalent, or even opening a little retail store down the street. That is, how are you gonna learn on the job? Because a lot of the subtleties don't express themselves until you're actually in the business. For example, everyone's now in the mental models these days, right? You go to Farnham Street, you gotto poor Charlie's Almanac, and you can learn all the different mental models. But which one's matter? More? Which ones do you apply? More often, which one's matter which circumstances that's actually the hard part. For example, my personal learning has been that the principal agent problem drives so much in this world. It's incentives problem. You know, I've learned that tit for tat Red Prisoner's dilemma is the piece of game theory that is worth knowing the most. You can literally almost put down the game theory book after that. Finally, the best way to learn gave theories to play lots of games. I never even read game theory books. I consider myself extremely good game theory. I've never opened up a game theory book and found a result in there where I was like Oh yeah, that's common sense to me because the reason is I just grew up playing all kinds of games and I run into all kinds of corner cases of all kinds of friends. And so it's just second nature to me, so you can always learn better by doing on the job. But the doing is a subtle thing that we're doing encapsulates a lot. So, for example, let's say I want to learn how to run a business well, if I start a business where I go in every day and I'm doing the same thing with them running the retail store down the street, where I'm stocking the shelves with food and liquor every single day, I'm not gonna learn that much because I'm repeating things a lot, so I'm putting in thousands of hours. But there's thousands of hours doing the same thing. Where if I was putting in thousands of generations, that would be different. The learning curve is across iterations, so if I was trying new marketing experiments, the store all the time, I was constantly changing out the inventory. I was constantly changing out the branding in the messaging. I was constant changing the sign. I was constantly changing the online channels that I was used to drive foot traffic in. I was experimenting with being open and different hours. If I even had the ability to walk around and talk to other store owners and getting their books and figure out how they're running their business. It's the number of iterations that drives a learning curve. So the more it orations you can have, the more shots on goal you can have, the faster you're gonna learn. It's not just about the hours put in. It's actually a combination of the two, but I think just the way we're built in the way that the world presents itself, the world offers us very easily the opportunity to do the same thing over and over and over again. But really, we'd be better served if we went off and found ways to do new things from scratch and doing something new. The first time is painful because you're wandering into uncertain territory and high odds are that you will fail. So you just have to get very, very comfortable with frequent small failures. You know, Nassim Taleb talks about this also. He made his fortune his wealth by being a trader who relied upon Black Swan's. Naseem Taleb made money by essentially losing little bits of money every day and then once in a blue moon, he would make a lot of money when the unthinkable happened. For other people, where most people want to make little bits of money every day, and in exchange they will tolerate lots of blow risk. They'll tolerate going completely bankrupt. We're not devolved to bleed a little bit every day. If you're out in the natural environment and you get a cut on your little be bleeding a little bit every day, you will eventually die. You have to stop That cut were evolved for small victories all the time, but that becomes very expensive. That's where the crowd is. That's what I heard is so if you're willing to bleed a little bit every day, but in exchange you will win big later, you'll do better. That is, by the way, entrepreneurship entrepreneurs bleed every day. They're not making money, they're losing money. They're constantly stressed out all the responsibilities upon them. But when they win, they win big. On average, they'll make more.


So why don't we jump into accountability, which I thought was pretty interesting, And I think you have your own unique take on it. So the first tweet on accountability was embrace accountability and take business risks under your own name. Society will reward you with responsibility, equity and leverage.


Yeah, so to get rich, you know you're gonna need leverage and leverage comes in. Labor comes in capital, or it can come through code or media. But most of these, like labor and capital, people have to give to you for labor. Somebody has to follow you for capital, somebody to give you money or assets toe manage or machines. So to get these things, you to build up credibility, and you have to do those under your own name as much as possible, which is risky. So accountability is a double edged thing. It allows you to take credit when things go well and to bear the brunt of the failure when things go badly. So in that sense, you know, people who are stamping their names on things aren't foolish. They're just confident. Maybe it turns out to be foolish in the end. But if you look at a Kanye on Oprah or Trump or an Ellen or anyone like that, these people can get rich just off their name because your name is such powerful branding. You know, regardless of what you think of Trump, you have to realize that the guy was among the best in the world at just branding his name. Why would you go to Trump Casino? Used to? Because, Trump, why would you go to Trump Tower because of Trump? When it came time to vote that they got a lot of voters just went and, said Trump, they recognize the name. So the name recognition paid off. Same thing with Oprah. She puts her brand on something. Her name on something and it flies off the shelves and it's like instant validator. But these people also take risks for putting their name out there. Obviously, Trump is now probably hated by half or more than half of the country, and buy a big chunk of the world that he sticks his name out there by putting your name out there, you become a celebrity, and fame has many, many downsides. It's better to be anonymous and rich than to be poor and famous. But even famous and rich has a lot of downsides associated with it. You're always in the public eye, so accountability is quite important when you're working to build a product or you're working in a team. Are you working in a business? We are constantly drummed into our heads how important it is to be part of a team and absolutely agree with that. A lot of our training socially is telling us to not stick our necks out of the crowd. This is saying that I hear from Australian friends. I'd like the tall poppy gets cut right. Don't stick your neck out. But I would say that actually a really, really well functioning team it's small and has clear accountability for each the different portions. Like So you can say OK, this person's responsible for building the product. This person's responsible for the messaging, this person responsible for raising money, this person responsible for the price of strategy and then maybe the online advertising. So if somebody screws up, you know exactly who's responsible. What the same time something goes really well. You also know exactly who's responsible. So if you have a small team and you have clearly delineated responsibilities, then you can still keep a very high level of accountability. And accountability is really important, because when something succeeds or fails, if it fails, everybody points, fingers each other. And if it succeeds, everybody steps forward to take credit. And we've all had that experience when we were in school and we got like, a group assignment to do, and there were people in there. There were probably a few people in there who did a lot of the work, and there are few people who just did a lot of grandstanding or positioning to do the work. So we're all familiar with this from a childhood sense, but it is uncomfortable to talk about, but clear accountability is important. Without ability. You don't have incentives without accountability. You can't build credibility, but you take risk so you take risk of failure. You take risk of humiliation. You take risk of failure under your own name, which you know, luckily, in modern society, there's no more debtor's prison, and people don't go to jail or get executed for losing other people's money. But we're still socially hardwired to not fail in public under our own names. And the people who have the ability to fail in public under their own names actually gain a lot of power. For example, I'll give a personal anecdote. Up until about 2013 2014 my public persona was entirely around startups and investing, and only around 2014 2015 did I start talking about philosophy and psychological things and broader things, and it made me a little nervous because I was doing under my own name and there were definitely people in the industry who sent me messages through the back channel like, What are you doing? You're ending your career. This is stupid and I just went with it took a risk saying with crypto. Early on, it took a risk. But when you put your name out there, you take a risk with certain things. You also get to reap the rewards. You get the benefits. Accountability is important because that's how you're going to get leverage. That's how we're going to get credibility. It's also hard going to get equity. You're gonna get a piece of the business when you're negotiating with other people. Ultimately, if someone else is making a decision about how to compensate you, that decision will be based on how replaceable you are. And if you have high accountability, that makes you less replaceable, and then they have to give you equity, which is a piece of the upside. But equity itself is a good example because equity is also a risk based instrument. Equity means you get paid everything after all, the people who need guaranteed money or paid back. So if you look at the hierarchy of capital in a company, the employees get paid first they get to pay the salary first, like in illegal proceedings. You know the salaries are sacrosanct if you're a board member and the company spends too much money and has backsides to pay. The government will go after you personally to pay back the salaries so the employees get the most security. But in exchange for that security they don't have as much upside than next. In line would be the debt holders who are maybe the bankers who lend money to the company for operations, and they need to make there fixed coupon every month or every year. But they don't get much more upside beyond that now. They might be making 5 10 15 2025% a year. But that's where they're upset is limited to, and then finally, or the equity holders and these people are actually gonna get most of the upside. So once the debt holders are paid off in, the salaries are paid off, whatever remains goes to them. But if there isn't enough money to pay off the salaries and the debt holders, or if there's just enough to pay off the salary the debt holders, which is what happens with most businesses most of times the equity holders get nothing, so the equity holders take on greater risk. But then the take on. In exchange, they get nearly unlimited upside, and you can do the same with all of your work. So essentially taking accountability for your actions is the same as taking an equity position in all of your work. You're essentially taking greater downside risk in greater upside risk, but realize that a modern society, the downside risk, is not that large. You know, even personal bankruptcy can wipe the debts clean in good ecosystems. I'm most familiar with Silicon Valley, but generally people will forgive failures as long as you were honest and made a high integrity effort. So there's not really that much to fear in terms of failure. And so people should be taken on a lot more accountability than they actually are.


Is accountability actually fragile? Or do you really just mean that we're hard wired not to fail in public? So it just feels like it's a fragile thing.


I think it could actually be fragile, like example of accountability is you're an airplane pilot. As a captain, you're taking on accountability for the entire plane. Let's say that something goes wrong with the aircraft. You can't let her blame it on anyone else. You can't blame it on the steward of the stewardess. You can't blame it on the co pilot. You're the captain. You're responsible for the ship. And if you screw up, you crashed the ship. And there are immediate consequences. In the old days, you know, he kept there, was expected to go down with the ship if the ship was sinking literally. The last person who got to get off was the captain. So yeah, I think accountability does come with real risks, but we're talking about in a business context of the risk here would be that you would probably be the last one to get your capital back out. You'd be the last one to get paid for your time. So you know the time that you put in the capital that you put in into the company. These are water at risk. Even if the business fails and your name's on it. That's not as bad as if it turns out to an integrity issue. Like you're Bernie made off, for example, made off investments. That name is never going to be good again in the investment community. You could be Bernie Madoff's great great great grandson. You are not gonna go into the investment business because he ruined the family name. So I think these days the accountability risk with the name happens more around integrity. Rather, it does around purely economic failure.


The big takeaway for me on accountability is that you will be rewarded directly in proportion with your accountability. I also think this is why people like Tall a Braille against CEOs who get rewards without accountability.


Yeah, I mean, Tellep skin in the game is required reading. If you want to get anywhere in modern life and understand how modern systems work, then skin in the game would be near top my list to read. But yes, accountability skin in the game, these concepts go very closely handed hand. I think of accountability as reputational skin in the game. It's putting your personal reputation on the line, asking in the game. Accountability is a simple concept. The only part of accountability that may be a little counterintuitive is that we're currently socially brainwashed to not take on accountability, not in a visible way. But I think there are ways to take on accountability where every member of a team can take on accountability for their portion, and that is how you get a well functioning team while still putting credits and losses in the correct columns.


So why don't we talk a little bit about leverage? The first tweet in the storm was a famous quote from Markham Edie's, which was Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand and I will move the Earth. The next tweet was Fortunes require leverage. Business leverage comes from capital people and products with no marginal cost of replication.


Leverage is critical. The reason it stuck in our committee is quote in There is. Normally I don't like putting other people's quotes in my Twitter like that doesn't add any value. You can go look up those people's quotes. But this quote I had to put in there because it's just so fundamental. I read it when I was very, very young, and it had a huge impression on me, and we all know what leverage is when we use a seesaw or a lever. We understand how that works physically, but I think what our brains aren't really well evolved to comprehend is how much leverage is possible in modern society and what the newest forms of leverage our and so the oldest former leverages labor, which is people working for you. So instead of me lifting rocks, I can have 10 people lift rocks, then just buy my guidance and where the rock should go, A lot more rocks get moved, and I could do myself. Everybody understands this because we're evolved to understand the labor former leverage. And so what happens is society over values labor as a form of leverage. This is why your parents are impressed when you get a promotion and you have lots of people working underneath you. This is why when a lot of naive people will you tell them about your company will say how many people worked there will use that as a way to establish credibility. They're trying to measure how much leverage and impact you actually have. Or when someone starts a movement, they'll say how many people that have, or how big the army is. We just automatically assume that more people is better, but I would argue that this is the worst form of leverage that you could possibly use. Managing other people is incredibly messy. It requires tremendous leadership skills. You're one short hop from a mutiny or getting eaten or Tauron apart by the mob. It's incredibly competed over. Entire civilizations have been destroyed over this fight. For example, communism. Marxism is all about the battle between capital and labour. Das Kapital out, and that's labor, right? So it's a trap. So you really want to stay out of labor based leverage. You want the minimum amount of people working with you that are going to allow you to use the other forms of leverage. Whatever are you are much more interesting. The second type of leverage is capital, and this one's a little less hardwired into us because large amounts of money moving around and being saved and being invested the money markets these air inventions of human beings the last few 100 a few 1000 years. They're not evolve with us from hundreds of thousands of years, so we understand them a little bit less well. There probably require more intelligence to use correctly, and the ways in which we use them keep changing management skills for 100 years ago might still apply today, but investing in the stock market skills from 100 years ago probably don't apply to the same level today, so capital is a trickier for leverage to use this for modern. It's the one that people have used to get fabulously wealthy in the last century has probably been the dominant form of leverage of the last century. And you can see this by who or the richest people. It's bankers, politicians and corrupt countries will print money, especially people who move large amounts of money around. And if you look at the top of a very large companies outside of technology companies in many, many large old cos. The CEO job is really a financial job. There really financial asset managers now sometimes an ass imagine, can put a pleasant face on it to get a Warren buffet type. But deep down, I think we all dislike capital as a form of levity because it feels unfair because this invisible thing that could be accumulated in past across generations and suddenly seems to result in people having gargantuan amounts of money, with nobody else kind of around them or Nestle sharing it. That, said, capital is a powerful form of leverage. It could be converted to labor. It could be converted to other things. It's very surgical, very analytical. If you are a brilliant investor and give a billion dollars and you can make a 30% return with it, which anybody else could only make a 20% return, you're gonna get all the money and they get paid very handsomely for it. Its scales very, very well. If you get good at managing capital, you can manage more and more capital much more easy. They can manage more and more people, so it is a good form of leverage. But the hard part with capital is how do you obtain it? And that's why I talked about specific knowledge and accountability. First, if you have specific knowledge in the domain and if you're accountable and you have a good name in that domain, then people are going to give you capital is a form of leverage that you can use to then go get more capital. So but capital also is fairly well understood, and I think a lot of the knocks against capitalism come because of the accumulation of capital. The most interesting and the most important form of leverage is this idea of products that have no marginal cost of replication. This is the new form of leverage. This is only invented in the last few 100 years. It's got started with the printing press and excitement of broadcast media, and now it's really blown up with the Internet with code. So now you can multiply your efforts without having to involve other humans and without needing money from other humans. This podcast is a form of leverage. Long ago I would have had to sit in a lecture hall and lecture each of you personally and I would have maybe reached a few 100 people, and that would have been that 30 years ago. I would have to be lucky to get on TV, which is somebody else's leverage. They would have distorted the message that would take in the economics out of it or charge me for it. They would have muddled the message, and I have been lucky to get that far of leverage. But today, thanks to the Internet, I can buy a cheap microphone, hook it up to a laptop or an iPad, and there you are, all listening. So this newest form of leverage is where all the new fortunes were made so all the new billionaires. The last generation fortunes were made by capital that was a warren buffets of the world. But the new generation fortunes are all made through code or media. Joe Rogan making 50 to 100 million bucks a year from his podcast Peut Pie, and I don't know how much money he's rolling in. But these bigger than the news, right? The fortnight players, of course, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Page and Sergey Brin and Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. That is all code based leverage. Now the beauty is when you combine all of these three. That's where a tech start ups really excel, where you take just the minimum but highest output labor that you can get, which are engineers and designers, product developers. And then you add in capital uses that from marketing, advertising scaling, and you add in lots of code and media and podcasts and content to get it all out there. That is a magic combination, and that's why you see technology startups explode out of nowhere, use massive leverage and just make huge outsize returns.


Do you want to talk a little bit about permission versus permission. Lis.


Probably the most interesting thing to keep in mind about the new forms of leverage is their permission less. They don't require somebody else's permission for you to use them or succeed for labor leverage. Somebody has decided to follow you for capital leverage. Somebody has to give you money to invest or toe turn into a product, but coding writing books, recording podcasts, tweeting you tubing, thes kinds of things. These are permission less. You don't need anyone's permission to do them, and that's why they're very egalitarian. They're great equalizers of leverage. And as much as people may rail on Facebook and YouTube, they're not gonna stop using it because this permission list leverage where everyone could be a broadcaster is just too good the same way. You know, you can rail upon Apple for having a slightly closed ecosystem in the iPhone, but everyone's writing APS for it, So as long as you can run APS for it, you can get rich or reach users doing that. Why not? I think of all the forms of leverage, the best one in modern society and people that this glib this is a little overused, but and This is why I tell people learn to code, right? It's that we have this idea that in the future there's going to be these robots and they're gonna be doing everything, and that may be true. But I would say the majority the robot revolution has already happened. The robots are already here, and there are way more robots in their humans. It's just that we packed them in data centers for heat and efficiency reasons. We put them in servers there, inside the computers, all the circuits, the robot mind inside, that's doing all the work. And so every great software developer, for example, now has an army of robots working for him at my time while he or she sleeps after they've written the code. And it's just cranking away. So the robot's army is already here. The robot revolution has already happened. We're about halfway through it. We're just adding in much more of the hardware component thes days as we get more familiar. We were more comfortable with the idea of autonomous vehicles and autonomous airplane that autonomous ships and maybe autonomous trucks and you know, their delivery bots in Boston Dynamics, robots and all that. But robots who are doing Web searching for you, for example, are already here. You know, the ones who are like cleaning up your video and audio and transmitting around the world are already here the ones who are answering many customer service queries, things that you would have had to call human for already here. So an army of robots is already here. It's very cheaply available, and the bottleneck is just figuring out intelligent and interesting things to do to them. And essentially you can order this army of robots around. Just the commands have to be issued in a computer language in the language that they understand. So these robots aren't very smart. They have to be told very precisely what to do and how to do it. So coding is such a great superpower because now you can speak the language of the robot armies and you can tell them what to do.


And I think at this point, actually, people are not only commanding the army of robots within servers through code, they're actually manipulating the movement of trucks of other people just ordering a package on Amazon. You're manipulating the movement of many people and many robots to get a package delivered to you. People are doing the same things to build businesses now. So there's the army of robots within servers. And then there's also an army of actual robots, and people that are being manipulated through software,


labor and capital are much less egalitarian, not just in their inputs but in their outputs. Let's say that I need something that humans have to provide, like if I want a massage or, if I need, like, someone to cook my food. The more of a human element there is in providing that service, the less egalitarian it is. Jeff Bezos probably has much better vacations and most of us, right, because he has lots of humans running around doing whatever he needs to do. But if you look at the output of code and media, Jeff Bezos doesn't get tow. Watch better movies and TV than we do. Jeff Bezos doesn't get to even have a better computing experience that Google doesn't give him some premium special Google account, where his searches are better. It's the nature of code and media output that the same product is accessible to everybody, and it turned into a positive sum game where, if Jeff Bezos is consuming the same product as 1000 other people, that product to be better than the version that Jeff would consume on his own, whereas with other products, that's not true. If you look at something like buying a Rolex, which is no longer about telling time, it's a signaling good. It's all about showing off. I have a Rolex that's a zero sum game. If everybody in the world's wearing a Rolex, then people don't wanna wear Rolexes anymore because they're no longer signal. It's canceled out the effect. And so rich people do have an advantage in consuming that product. They'll just price it up till only they can have Rolexes. And then poor people can of Rolexes and relaxes, resume their signaling value. But something like watching Netflix or using Google or using Facebook or YouTube Or even frankly, modern day cars like rich people don't have better cars. They just have weirder cars. You can't drive a Lamborghini on the street at any speed. That makes sense for a Lamborghini, so it's actually a worse car in the street. It just turned into a signaling good at that point. Your sweet spot, where you want to be is somewhere like a a Tesla model three. Or like a Toyota Corolla is an amazing car. A new total girl is a really nice car. But because it's mainstream, the technology has amor ties, the cost of production over the large number of consumers possible. And the best products tend to be at the center at the sweet spot, the middle class rather than being targeted. The upper class setting, one of things that we don't nestle appreciate modern societies as the forms of leverage have gone from being human based labor base and being capital base to be more product in code and media base that most of the goods and service is that we consume are becoming much more egalitarian in their consumption. Even food is becoming that way, like food is becoming cheap and abundant, at least in the first world. Too much so to our detriment. Jeff Bezos is initially eating better of food, he just getting different food, or he's eating like food that's prepared and served theatrically, so it's almost like more of a game, that human element performance. But the labor element out of food production has gone down massively, the capital element has gone down massively, and so even food production itself has become more technology oriented. And so the gap between the haves and the have nots is getting smaller. So if you care about ethics in wealth creation, it is better to create your wealth using code and media as leverage. Because then those products are equally available to everybody, as opposed to trying to create your wealth through labor or capital. Because what I'm referring to here is scale economies, technology products and media products have such amazing scale economies that you always want to use. The product that is used by the most people, the one that's used by the most people, ends up having the largest budget. There's no marginal cost of adding another user, and so were the largest budget. You get the highest quality, so the best TV shows are actually not gonna be some obscure ones just made for a few rich people. They're going to be the big budget ones, like the game of thrones with breaking bad, or bird box, where they have massive, massive budgets. They can just use those budgets to get to a certain quality level and the rich people to be different. They have to fly to Sundance, watch a documentary because you and I are gonna fly the Sundance because, you know, that's something that bored rich people do to show off. And we're not gonna watch a documentary because most men just aren't actually even that good right again. If you're wealthy today for large classes of things, you spend your money on signaling goods to show other people that you're wealthy and you try and convert them to status, as opposed to actually consuming the goods for their own sake.


People and capital is a form of leverage. Have a negative externality, and code and product have a positive externality attached to them. If I was going to sum up your point, I think that capital and labor are also starting to become a little more permission Lis, or at least the permission ing, is diffuse because of the Internet. So instead of labor, we have community now, which is diffused form of labor. For example, Mark Zuckerberg has a billion people doing work for him by using Facebook and instead of going to raise capital from someone who's rich. Now we have crowdfunding so you can raise millions and millions of dollars for a charity for a health problem or for a business, you can do it all online, so capital and labor are also becoming permission lists. And you don't need to necessarily do the old fashioned way where you have to go around and ask people for permission to use their money or their time. One more question about leverage. Do you think a choice of business model or a choice of product can also bring a kind of leverage to it? For example, pursuing a business that has network effects, pursuing a business that has brand effects or other choices of business model that people could manipulate that just give you free leverage?


Yeah, there's some really good micro economic concepts that are important to understand one of those a scale economies, which is, the more you produces, something the cheaper it gets to make. But that's something that a lot of businesses have. Basic economics 101 and you should try and get into a business where making widget number 12 is cheaper than make. We did number five and making widget number 10,000 is a lot cheaper than the previous ones, and this builds up an automatic sort of berto entry against competition and getting commoditized. So that's an important one. Another one. This is along the same lines, but technology products especially and media products have this great quality where they have zero marginal cost of reproduction. So creating another copy, which he just created is free. So when somebody listens this podcast or watches a YouTube video about this, it doesn't cost me anything. But next person who shows up those zero marginal cost think that take a while to get going because you make very little money per user. But over time, they can really, really add up. So Joe Rogan is working no harder on his current podcast. And he wasn't podcast number one, but on podcast number 1100 he's making a million dollars for the podcast. Where is for the previous one? He probably lost money, but the 1st 1 that's an example of zero marginal cost and then the most subtle but the most important society of network effects, and it comes from computer networking. Bob Metcalfe who created Ethernet famously coined. Metcalfe's law, which is the value of a network, is a proportional to the square of the number of nodes in the network. So if a network of size 10 would have a value of 100 network of a size 101 of the value of 10,000 it's not just 10 X more. It's 100 X more because of squares. The differences in the square. So you want to be in a network effect business, assuming you're not number two. If you're number one in network effect business, you win everything. So example. If you look at Facebook, right, your friends and family social networking protocol, who's their competitors? Nobody. Because they want everything through network effects. Which is why, when people say, Well, I could just switch away from Facebook. They don't realize that network effects create natural monopolies. They're very, very powerful things. And one of the dirty secrets of Silicon Valley is that ah, lot of the winning businesses are natural monopolies. Even dried sharing tends towards one winner. Take all system like uber will always have better economics and lift as long as it's moving more drivers and more writers around something like Google. There's only one viable search engine. I do like Doctor Go, you know, privacy reasons, but there just always gonna be behind because of network effects. Twitter, right? Where else would you go for micro blocking? Even YouTube has a weak network effects, but they're still powerful enough. There's really no Number two site that you go to to consume your video on a regular basis. It even turns out in detail. Amazon prime and convenience store credit cards and information creates a powerful network effect. So what is the network effect? Let's just define it precisely. A network effect is when each additional user adds value to the existing user base, so your users themselves are creating some value for the existing users. The classic example that I think everybody can understand is language. Let's say that there's 100 people live in the community and speak 10 different languages, and each person just speaks one of those 10. Well, you're having to translate all the time. It's incredibly painful. But if all 100 of you spoke the same language, it would add tremendous value. And so the way that community will play out is 10 people start out speaking 10 languages. So let's say that one extra person limbs English. Well, now, all of a sudden, 11 people know English so that next person comes to learn new languages, probably gonna choose English. At some point. Let's say English gets a 20 or 25 people. It's done. It's just gonna own the entire language marketplace and the rest of languages will get competed out, which is why it long term, the entire world, is probably gonna end up speaking English and Chinese. China is closed off on the Internet, but the Internet itself is a great leveller, and people who want to communicate on the Internet are forced to speak. English is the largest community of people on the Internet, speaks English. I always feel bad for my colleagues, who grew up speaking foreign languages of foreign countries because you don't have access to so many books. So many books just haven't been translated into other languages. So if you only spoke French or you on, Lee spoke German or you only spoke Hindi, for example, you would be at a severe disadvantage in a technical education. Invariably, if you go and get a technical education. You have to learn English just because you have. I read these books that have this data that has not been translated, so languages are probably the oldest example of network effect. Money is another example. We should all probably be using the same money except for the fact that geographic and regulatory boundaries have created these artificial islands of money. But even then, the world tends to use a single currency as the reserve currency at most times. Currently the U. S. Dollar. So network effects are very powerful concept. When you're picking a business model, it's really good idea to pick a model where you can benefit from network effects, low marginal costs and scale economies. And these tend to go together like anything that has zero marginal cost of production obviously, has scale economies and things that have zero marginal costs of reproductions very often tend to have network effects because it doesn't cost you anything more to stamp out the thing. So then you can just create little hooks for user's to add value to each other. They should always be thinking about how your users, your customers, can add value to each other because that is the ultimate form of leverage. You're on the beach in the Bahamas, or you're sleeping at night and your customers are adding value to each other. The Tweet storm is very abstract. It's deliberately meant to be broadly optical toe all kinds of different domains and disciplines in time, periods and places. But sometimes it's hard to work without concrete example. So let's go concrete for a minute. Look at the real estate business. You could start at the bottom. Let's say you're a day laborer. You come in, you fix people's houses, someone orders you around, tells you break that piece of rock sand, that piece of wood. Put that thing over there. There's all these menial jobs that go on a construction site. If you're working one of those jobs, unless you're skilled trade like, say, Carpenter Electrician's, you don't really have specific knowledge. And even Carpenter Electrician is not that specific, cause other people could be trained how to do it so you could be replaced. So you get paid your 15 2025 50 if you're really lucky. $75 an hour, but that's about it. You don't have any leverage other than from the tools that you're using. So if you're driving a bulldozer, that's better than doing it with your hands. So day labor in India makes a lot less because they have no tool leverage. You don't have much accountability. Your faceless cog in the construction crew and the owner of the house or the buyer the house doesn't know or care that you worked on it. One step up from that. You might have a contractor like a general contractor who someone hires to come and fix and repair and build up their house. That general contractor is taking accountability, that taking responsibility. So now, if let's say they got paid two and $50,000 for a job, So I'm using barrier prices. So go rest. The world prices $100,000 for the job to fix up a house, and it actually costs the Joan contractor all said and done $70,000 well, that contractors in a pocket that remaining 30 so they got the upside. They got the equity, but they're also taking accountability and risk. So if the project runs over and there's losses, then they eat the losses, but you see, be just the accountability, gives them some form of additional potential income, and then they also have labor leverage because they have a bunch of people working for them. But it probably tops out right there. You can go one level above that, and you can look at a property developer. This might be someone who is a contractor who did a bunch of houses, did a really good job, then decided to go into business for themselves. And they go around looking for beaten down properties that have potential. They buy them. They either raise money from investors. Their front did themselves. They fixed the place up, and then they sell it for twice what they bought a four. Maybe they only put in 20% more, so that's a healthy profit. So now a developer like that takes on more accountability, has more risk. They're more specific knowledge because now you have to know which neighborhoods are worth buying, in which lots are actually good than which lots are bad. What makes or breaks a specific property, you have to imagine the finished house that's gonna be there even when the property itself might look really bad right now, so there's more specific knowledge. There's more accountability and risk and now yourself capital leverage because you're also putting money into the project. But conceivably, you could buy a piece of land or broken down house for $200,000 turn it into a million dollar mansion and pocket all the difference. One level beyond that might be a famous archy detect or developer. We're just having your name on a property because you've done so many great properties, increases its value. One level up from that, you might be a person who decides. Well, I I understand real estate, and I now know enough of a damn. It's a real estate that rather than just build and flip my own properties or improve my own properties, I'm gonna be a massive developer. I'm gonna build entire communities. Another person might say I like that leverage, but I don't want to manage all these people. I'm gonna do it more through capital, so I'm gonna start a real estate investment trust and that require specific knowledge not just about investing in real estate and building real estate, but also requires specific knowledge about the financial markets of the capital markets and how real estate trusts operate. One level beyond that might be somebody who says, Actually, I want to bring the maximum leverage to bear in this market and the maximum specific knowledge And so that person would say, Well, I understand real estate and understand everything from basic housing construction to building properties and selling them to how real estate markets move and thrive. And I also understand the technology business. So I understand how to recruit developers, how to write code and how to build good product. And I understand how to raise money from venture capitalists and how to return it. Now that works. And obviously not a single person may know this. You may pull a team together to do it where each have different skill sets, but that combined entity would have specific knowledge in technology and a real estate. It would have massive accountability because that company's name would be a very high risk, high reward effort attached to the whole thing, and people would devote their lives to it, take on a significant risk, and then it would have leverage in code with lots of developers it would have capital, with investors putting money in and the founders own capital. And it would have labor of some of the highest quality labor that you confine, which is high quality engineers and designers and marketers who are working on the company. And then you may end up with a truly A or a red Finn or a Zillo kind of company. And then the upside could potentially be in the billions of dollars with hundreds of millions of dollars. So as you layer in, more and more kinds of knowledge on Lee be gained on the job and aren't common knowledge. And you lair in more and more accountability and risk taking and you lair in more and more great people working on it and more and more capital on it, and more and more code and media on it. You keep expanding the scope of the opportunity all the way from the day Laborer well, might just literally be scrambling on the ground with their hands all the way up to somebody who started a real estate tech company and then took it public.


We spoke about specific knowledge. We talked about accountability. We talked about leverage. The last skill that novel talks about in his tweet storm is judgment, where, he says, that leverages a force multiplier for your judgment.


We're now living in an age of nearly infinite leverage, and all the great fortunes are created through leverage. So your first job is to go in, obtain leverage, and you can obtain leverage through permission by taking risks and getting people to work for you or by raising capital. Or you can get leverage. Permission. Leslie by learning how to code or becoming good communicator and podcasting, broadcasting, creating videos, writing, etcetera. So that's how you get leverage. But once you have leverage, what do you do with it? Well, the first party career spent hustling to get leverage. Once you have the leverage, then you want to slow down a bit because your judgment really matters. It's like you've gone from steering your sailboat around to. Now you're steering an ocean liner or a tanker. You have a lot more at risk, but you have a lot more to gain as well. You carrying a much higher payload. So an age of infinite leverage judgment becomes the most important skill. Warren Buffett is so wealthy now because of his judgment. Even if you were to take away all of Warren's money tomorrow, investors would come out of the woodwork and handle $100 billion because they know his judgment is so good and they would give him a big chunk of that $100 billion to invest. So ultimately, everything else that you do is actually setting you up to apply your judgment, one of the big things that people really on a CEO pay. And for sure, there's crony capitalism that goes on with these CEOs control their boards and the board give him too much money. But there's certain CEOs who definitely earn their keep because their judgment is better. If you're steering a big ship, if you're steering Google or Apple and your judgment is 10 or 20% better than the next person's, society will literally pay you hundreds of millions of dollars more because you're steering ah, $100 billion ship if you're on course, 10 or 20% of the time. More often, the other person the compound ING results on that hundreds of billions of dollars you're managing will be so large that your CEO pay will be dwarfed in comparison. So demonstrated judgment. Credibility around the judgment is so critical. Warren Buffett wins here because he has massive credibility. He's been highly accountable. He's been right over and over in the public domain. He's built a reputation for very high integrity, so you can trust him. So a person like that people will throw infinite leverage behind him because of his judgment. Nobody asked him how hard he works. Nobody asked him when he wakes up or when he goes to sleep. Did like Warren just do your thing. So especially demonstrated judgment with high accountability. Clear track record is critical.


Let's define judgment. I would define it as knowing the long term effects of your decisions or being able to predict the long term effects your decisions.


It's funny. My definition of wisdom is knowing the long term consequences of your actions. So they're not all that different. Wisdom is just judgment on a personal domain. Wisdom applied to external problems. I think his judgment so they're highly linked. But yes, it's knowing the long term consequences of your actions and then making kind of the right decision to capitalize on that judgment. is very hard to build up. This is where both intellect and experience come and play there. Many problems with the so called intellectuals in the ivory tower, but one of the reasons when they seem to liberals against them is because they have no skin in the game. They have no real world experience, right, so they just apply purely intellect and intellect without any experience is often worse than useless because you get the confidence that the intellect gives you and you get some of the credibility. But because you had no skin in the game and you had no real experience and no real accountability, you're just throwing darts. The real world is always far, far more complex than we can intellectualize and especially all the interesting, fast moving edge, domains and problems You can't get there without experience. So if you are smart and you iterated fast, it's not even you put 10,000 hours into something, but you take 10,000 tries at something. If you are smart and you have a lot of quick it orations and you try to keep your emotions out of it. The people with the best judgment are actually among the least emotional. A lot of the best investors are considered almost robotic in that regard, but I would be surprised if even the best entrepreneurs often come across this un emotional. There is this archetype of the passionate entrepreneur, and yet you have to care about what they're doing. But they also have to see very clearly what's actually happening and the thing that prevents you from seeing what's actually happening or your emotions are emotions air constantly clouding our judgment and investing or in running companies or in building products or being an entrepreneur, Emotions really get in the way emotions that would prevent you from seeing what's actually happening until you can no longer resist the truth of what's happening until it becomes too sudden. And then you're forced into suffering, which is a breaking of this emotional fantasy that you would put together


to try and connect some of these concepts. I would say that first you're accountable for your judgment. Judgment is the exercise of wisdom. Wisdom comes from experience and that experience convey accelerated through short iterations


and the reason why a lot of the top investors love the value. Investors, if you read Jeremy Grantham, or you read Warren Buffett. You know you read about Michael Burry. These people sound like philosophers or they are philosophers or they're reading a lot of history books or science books like What doing? Should they be reading investment books? No. Investment books were the worst place to learn about invest because investment is a real world activity that is highly multi, very it all the advantages are always being competed away. It's always on the cutting edge. So what you actually just need is very, very broad based judgment in thinking. And the best way to do that is to study everything, including a lot of philosophy and philosophy. Also makes you more stoic, makes you less emotional, and so you make better decisions. You have better judgment. One simple thing is, I see I go ahead and Twitter, and it seems like half of Twitter is outrageous. Something at all times. You can go within someone's Twitter feed and get at least some semblance of what it must be like to be in their head all the time. And the more outrage somebody is, I guarantee you the worst. Their judgment is if someone's constantly tweeting political outrage and seem like an angry person getting into fights. You don't wanna hand this person the keys to your car, let alone the keys to your company.


So we covered the skills that you need to get rich. That was specific knowledge, accountability, leverage, judgment and lifelong learning. Let's talk a little bit about the importance of working hard and valuing your time,


so no one is going to value you more than you value yourself. So you just have to set a very high personal hourly rate and you have to stick to it. So even since when I was young, I just decided that I was worth a lot more than the market thought I was worth. But I started treating myself that way. So always factor your time in tow. Every decision, How much time does it take? Oh, it's gonna take me on hour to get across town to get this thing. Well, I value myself at $100 an hour. That's throwing $100 out of my pocket, and I'm gonna do that. You buy something from Amazon? They screwed it up. You have to return it. Is it worth your time to return it. Is it worth the mental hassle? Keep in mind that you have less work hours. You have less mentally high output hours. Do you wanna use them too? Run errands and solve little problems. Or do you want to save him for the big stuff? All the great scientists were terrible at managing their household life. None of them had a clean organized room or, you know, made all their social events on time or sent there. Thank you. Cards. You can spend your life however you want. But if you want to get rich, it has to be your number one overwhelming desire. Which means that it has to come before anything else. Which means you can't be penny pinching. This is what people understand. You can penny pinch your way to a basic sustenance. You can keep your expenses low, maybe retire early and not spend too much. And that's perfectly valid. But we're here to talk about wealth creation, and if you're gonna do that, then that has to be your number one overwhelming priority. So fast forward to your wealthy self and pick some intermediate hourly rate for me. Believe it or not back when you could have hired me, which now obviously can't. But back when you could have hired me and this was true a decade ago or even two decades ago, before I had any real money. My hourly rate, I used to say to myself over and over is $5000 an hour today. And when I look back, really, it was about $1000 an hour. And of course I still ended up doing stupid things, like arguing with Deck Trish in or returning the broken speaker. But I shouldn't have, and I did a lot less than any of my friends would. And I would make a theatrical show out of throwing something in the trash pile or giving the Salvation Army rather than trying to return it or handing something to people rather than trying to fix it. I would argue with my girlfriends and even today, to my wife, like I don't do that. That's not a problem that I solved. I still argue that with my mother when she hands me like little two DUIs. I just don't do that. I would rather hire you an assistant, and this was true even when I didn't have money. Another way of thinking about something is that if you can outsource something or not, do something for less than your hourly rate. Outsource it or don't do it so you can hire someone to do it for less than your hourly rate, higher them that even includes things like cooking. Now you may want to eat your healthy home cooked meals, but if you can outsource it, do that instead. And I know some people will say, Well, what about the joy of life? And what about getting it right just your way? Sure you can do that, but you're not gonna be wealthy because now you have made something else a priority. Paul Graham said it pretty well for white commenter startups, he said. You should be working on your product and getting product market fit, and you should be exercising and eating healthy like that's about it. That's kind of all you have time for while you're on this mission. So set a very high hourly operational rate for yourself and stick to it, and it should seem and feel absurdly high. If it doesn't, it's not high enough and whatever you picked my advice to you would be raised it. Like I said for myself even before I had money. For the longest time, I used $5000 an hour. And if you extrapolate that out until what looks like his annual salary, it's multiple millions of dollars per year. Ironically, I actually think I've beaten it when I look back because I'm not the hardest working person. I'm actually kind of a lazy person. So I worked through bursts of energy where I'm really motivated with something. So if I actually look at how much I've earned part actual hour that I put in is probably quite a bit higher than that. That's not what hard work. There's this battle that happens on Twitter a lot between Should you work hard? And should you not like David Hauser's on, they're saying that your slave driving people and key three boys always on there saying, like knows, all the great founders worked their fingers to the bone, and they're talking past each other. First of all, they're talking about two different things. David is talking about employees in the lifestyle business, which is fine. You're number one thing in life. If you're doing that, is not getting wealthy. You have a job. You also have your family. You also have your life. But Keith is talking about the Olympics of startups. He's talking about the person going for the gold medal in trying to build a multibillion dollar public company. That person has to get everything right. They have to have great judgment. They have to pick the right thing to work on. They have to recruit the right team and they have their work crazy hard because they're basically engaged in a competitive sprint. So if getting wealthy is your goal, you're going tohave to work as hard as you can. But hard work is absolutely no substitute for who you work with and what you work on. What you work on is probably the most important thing. Finding product Market Founder Fit to Expand on Mark In recent definition, he came with product market fit. But add product market founder fit, which is how well you are personally suited to that business. The combination that three that should be your over woman goal and you can save yourself a lot of time if you pick the right area. Toe work in picking the right people to work with is the next most important piece. And then third comes how hard you work, but they're like three legs of the stool. If you short change in any one of them, the whole stools going fall down. So it's not like you can pick one over the other that easily. So the order operations, when you're building a business is or even building your career is first figure out. What should I be doing? What is something where there is a market that is emerging? There's a product that I can build that I'm excited to work on and something where I have specific knowledge and I'm really into it and then second, surround yourself with the best people possible. And no matter how high your bar is raised your bar because you can never be working with other people who are great enough. If there's someone greater out there to work with, you should go work with them. I advise a lot of people who are looking at which started to join in Silicon Valley. I say, basically, pick the one that's going to have the best alumni network free in the future. Look at the PayPal Mafia. They work with a bunch of geniuses, so they all got rich. So just try and pick based on the highest intelligence, energy and integrity people that you can find. And then finally, once you've picked the right thing to work on and the right people to work with, then you work as hard as you can. This is where the mythology gets a little crazy. People will work 80 120 hour weeks allowed. Oh, that's just status signaling. It's showing off. Nobody really works 8220 hours a week, sustained at high output with mental clarity, your brain breaks down. He just won't have good ideas. So, really, the way people tend to work most effectively, especially knowledge work is they sprint as hard as they can while they're working on something and they're inspired in their passionate, and then they rest to take long breaks. It's more like a lion hunting and much less like a marathon runner running. So you sprint. Then you rest, you reassess, and then you try again, in which you end up doing is you end up building a marathon off sprints, maybe just made the point To be on the side of inspiration is perishable, which is a very good point. When you have your inspiration, do it right then and there. This happens to me a lot with my tweet storms. I've actually come up with a whole bunch of additional tweets. Don't besides the ones that are already out there. But sometimes it just hesitate, or I just pause and they just dies. And what I've learned is, if I'm inspired to write a block post or to publish a tweetstorm, I should probably do it right away. Otherwise, it's not gonna get out. I won't come back to it. So inspiration is a beautiful and powerful thing, and when you have it, just sees it. So people talk about impatience. When do you know to be impatient when the, you know, to be patient? My glib tweet on this was impatience with actions and patients with the results, and I think that's actually a good philosophy for life. Anything you have to do, just get it done. Why wait? You're not getting any younger, your life is slipping away. You don't want to spend it waiting in line. You don't want to spend it traveling back and forth. You don't spend it doing things that you know ultimately aren't part of your mission. And when you do them, you want to do them as quickly as you can while you do them well with your full attention. But then you just have to give up on the results. You have to be patient with the results because we do have complex systems. You didn't have lots of people. It takes a long time for markets to adopt products. It takes time for people to get comfortable working with each other. It takes time for great products to emerges. You polish away, polish away, polish away so impatience with actions, patients with results and, as Navy said, inspirations perishable. So when you have inspiration, act on it right then and there. If I have a problem that I discovered one of my businesses that needs to be solved, I won't sleep until at least the resolution is in motion. And this is just a personal failing. But if I'm on the board of a company, I'll call the CEO. If I'm running the company, I'll call my reports. If I'm responsible, I'll get on there right then and there and solve it. If I don't solve a problem, the moment it happens or I will start moving towards solving moment happens. I have no peace. I have no rest. I have no happiness until that problem is solved, so solve it as quickly as possible. I literally won't sleep until it's solved. Maybe that's a personal characteristic, but it's worked out well in business. We squander our time with the death of 1000 cuts. So another tweet I had was you should be too busy to do coffee while still keeping an uncluttered calendar. People who know me know that I'm famous for simultaneously doing two things. One is having a very clean calendar. I have almost no meetings on it, and there are people that I meet. We want to see my calendar. They almost weep, will. At the same time, I am busy all it time. I'm always doing something and it's usually quote unquote work related. But it is whatever the highest impact thing is that needs to be done at that time and that I'm most interested inspired about but The only way to do that is to constantly ruthlessly decline meetings. People want to do coffee and build relationships, and that's fine early in your career when you're still exploring, but later nuclear exploiting. And there are more things coming at you and your time for you have to ruthlessly cut meetings out of your life. If someone wants to do a meeting, see if you can do it with a phone call instead. If they wanted to a phone call, see if they can do it with an email instead. If they want to do with email, see if they can do the text message instead. If their text messages, you should probably ignoring most text messages unless they're true emergencies. So one has to be utterly ruthless about dodging meetings. When you do do meetings, do walking meetings, a new standing meetings keep them short, keep them actionable, keep them small. Any meeting with eight people in it, sit in a conference table. Nothing is getting done in that meeting. Your little leeches dying one hour at a time.


Doing coffee reminds me of the old quote, I think, from Steve Jobs. When they asked him Hey, Why doesn't Apple come to conventions? Or why don't you come to my convention? And his response was, well, then, because we wouldn't be here working.


Yeah, I usedto have a tough time turning people down for meetings. But now I just tell them out, right? I just say, Look, I don't do non transactional meetings. I don't do meetings with a strict agenda. I don't do meetings unless we absolutely have to. Navy used to do this. You would email people when they would ask, maybe and I for a meeting like coffee meeting, Get to know you He would say, We don't do meetings and it's a life and death Urgent. And then that person asked me Respond. Yeah, it's life and death. Urgent or There's no meeting when you have something important or something valuable. Other busy, interesting people will meet with you. Your calling card has to be, Hey, here's what I'm done. Here's what I can show you. Let's meet and I'll be respectful of your time if this is useful to you and I find that there are very busy, important people who will take your meeting. But you have to come with the proper calling card. All the people who tweet and email famous or rich people saying, Hey, if I could just get one meeting with you and they're vague about it, they're not gonna get anywhere in life. You have to build up the credibility when, for example, in investor in the tech business in the venture business looks at a start up, the first thing they want to see is they want to see some evidence of product progress. They don't just want to even see a slide deck. They want to see product progress because the product progress is the resume. For the entrepreneur, it is the unshakable, unfavorable resume. So you have to do the work. To use a crypto analogy, you have to have proof of work. If you have proof of work and you truly have something interesting, then you shouldn't hesitate to put it together in an email and send it to somebody. But even then, when you're asking for a meeting, you want to be super actionable about it. But I would say even the other side, even if you yourself haven't made it yet, if you think you're gonna make it by going out in networking and doing the whole bunch of meetings, you're probably incorrect. Yes, the networking can be important early in your career. And, yes, you can get serendipitous with meetings, but the odds are pretty low. And as we spend time talking about earlier, when you are just meeting people and hoping to get that lucky break, you're relying on tight one luck, which is blind luck and type two luck, which is Hustle luck. But what you're not getting is Type three or type for luck, which are the better kinds, where you spend time developing a reputation, working on something, developing a unique point of view and being with spot opportunities that others can't a busy calendar and a busy mind will destroy your ability to do great things in this world. If you want to be able to do great things, whether you're a musician or whether you are a entrepreneur or whether you're an investor, you need free time and you need a free mind.


We just finished talking about the importance of working hard and valuing your time. Next, there's a few tweets on the topic of working for the long term. The first tweet is become the best in the world of what you do. Keep redefining what you'd do until this is true.


If you really want to get paid in this world, you want to be number one at whatever it is that you're doing. And it could be niche. That's the point. It can literally be You're getting paid for just being you. You know, at this point, some of the more successful people in the world are that way. Oprah gets paid for being Oprah. Joe Rogan gets paid for being Joe Rogan, and they're being authentic to themselves. So what this tweet is trying to say simultaneously is that you want to be number one, but you gonna keep changing what you do until you're number one. You can't just pick something arbitrary. You can't say I'm going to be the fastest runner in the world. And now you gotta beat the same bolt. That's too hard of a problem. But what you can do is you can keep changing what your objective is until it arrives to your specific knowledge. Your skill sets your position, your capabilities, your location, your interests and then converges to making you number one. So when you're searching for what to do, you actually have two different folks. I that you have to keep in mind at all points. And one of those is I want to be the best at what I do. And the second is what I do is flexible so that I am the best at it. Until you arrive at a comfortable place were like, Yes, this is something I could be amazing at while still being authentic to who I am. And this is not gonna be an overnight discovery. It's gonna be a long journey, but at least you know how to think about it. The most important thing for a company's to find product market fit, I would say the most important thing for an entrepreneur is defined founder, product market fit where you are naturally inclined to build the right product which has a market. And that's a three focus problem, which is you got to make all three of those work at once. If you want to be successful in life, you just have to get comfortable managing multi variant problems, multiple objective functions at once. And this is one of those cases where you have to map at least two or three at once.


This reminds me of your tweet about escaping competition through authenticity. It sounds like part of this is a search for who you are.


It's both a search and a recognition because sometimes when we search our egos, we want to be something that we aren't, and our friends and family are better at telling us actually who we are or looking back at what we've done is a better indicator of who we are. Peter Thiel talks a lot about how competition is. Besides the point, it's counterproductive where holly mimetic creatures. We copy what everybody else is doing around us. We copy our desires from them. Everyone around me is a great artist. I want to be an artist. Everyone around me is a great business person. I want to be a business person. Everybody around me is a social activists. I wanna be a social activist. That's where my self esteem will come from. You have to be a little careful when you get caught up in the status games that you end up competing over things that aren't worth competing over. So Peter Thiel talks about how he was gonna be a law clerk because you were in law school. Everybody around him wanted to be a law clerk for a Supreme Court justice or some famous judge, and he got rejected. And that's what made him go into business. So it helped him break out of a lesser game into a greater game. So sometimes you just get trapped in the wrong game because you're competing and the best way to escape competition to get away from the specter of competition, which is not just stressful and nerve racking. But we'll often drive you to just the wrong answer. The way to escape competition is just be authentic to yourself. If you are fundamentally building and marketing something that is just an extension of who you are, no one can compete with you on that. Who's gonna compete with Joe Rogan or Scott Adams? It's impossible. It's somebody else gonna come along and write a better Dilbert. No, it's so I'm gonna compete with Bill Waterson and create a better Calvin and Hobbes. Now they're being authentic. This is easiest to see an art. Artists are, by definition, all naturally authentic, but even entrepreneurs are authentic. Who's going to be Even Musk was gonna be Jack Dorsey. These people are authentic, and the businesses and products they create are authentic to their desires and their means. If somebody else came along and started launching Rockets, I don't think would phase Ellen one bit. He's still going to get to Mars because that's his mission, you know, insane as it seems. That's the one he set for himself, and he's gonna accomplish it. So authenticity naturally gets you away from calm. Opposition doesn't mean that you actually want to be authentic to the point where there's no product market fit. It may turn out you're the best juggler in the unit cycle. But maybe there just isn't that much of a market for that, even with YouTube videos. So you gotta adjust that somehow until you find product market fit. But at least lean towards authenticity towards getting away from competition and competition automatically leads towards copycatting and often towards just playing completely the wrong game, especially in entrepreneurship. The masses air never right. If you see a lot of people tweeting about what a great market to enter is or you see journalists talking about a company is terrible. They don't know anything. If the masses knew how to build great things and create great wealth, we'd already be done. We'd already be rich by now. So in a sense, when you see a lot of competition, sometimes that indicates to you that the masses are already here. So it's already competed over too much, and there's nothing here or it's the wrong train to being with. On the other hand, if it's completely empty, if the whole market is empty and no one's there, that can also be a warning indicator that you've gone to authentic and not enough on the product. Market fit part of founder product market fit. So there's a balance. You have to find it. But generally, most people will make the mistake of paying too much attention to the competition and being too much like the competition and not being authentic enough. And the great founders tend to be authentic iconoclasts.


I hate to bring up the Scott Adams Skill Stack one time, but also bring it up. Do you think one way of getting to authenticity is not necessary, adding some random skills that you think might be important, but just really finding five or six various skills that you already authentically do and just stacking them on top of each other and not even any purposeful way. If you are expressing who you are, you're going to be expressing all these little five or six different skills anyway.


That's really where life is going to lead you anyway. Long term. If you are good and successful at what you do, you will find that whatever your hobbies were, you're almost doing them for a living. As Robert Frost said, You know, combine your location and your avocation, what you love to do and what you do do. So I think you'll find yourself there anyway. And you're right about the skill stack and that everyone's got multiple skills. We aren't all one dimensional creatures, even though that's how we've to portray ourselves and our online profiles to get employed. You meet somebody in this a. I'm a banker or a bartender or Emma Barber. What have you all the bees? But people are multi variant. They have a lot of skills One banker might be gonna finance another one might be good sales. The 3rd 1 might be just good at macroeconomic trends and have a feel for the markets. Another one might be really good at picking individual stocks. You know, another one might just be good at maintaining relationships rather than selling new relationships. So everyone's gonna have their various niches and you gonna have multiple niche is not gonna be just one. So over time you will find, as you go through your career, both you will gravitate towards the things that you're good at, which by definition, are almost the things you enjoy doing. Otherwise you wouldn't be good at them. You wouldn't have put in the time. And other people will push you towards the things that you're good at because you're smart bosses and you're smart co workers and your smart investors will realize okay, you're really world class in this thing. You recruit somebody else for that other thing. So ideally, you want to end up specializing in being you.


I think when you're being authentic, you don't really mind competition that much yet pisses you off and inspire some fear and jealousy and all the other emotions that come along with it. But also you don't really mind cause you're more oriented towards the goal in the mission and worst case. You get some ideas from them, and there's often ways to work with the competition in a positive way, and it ends up increasing the size of the market for you.


Yes, sometimes it depends on the nature of the business. Silicon Valley tech industry businesses tend to be winner take all at least the good ones. And so when you see competition, it can make you fly into a rage because it really does endanger everything you've built. Where if I was opening a restaurant and a more interesting version of same restaurant opens up in a different town, that's fantastic. I'm just gonna lift from them what's working and dropped. What I can see that they have already figured out is not working. So it does depend to some extent on the nature of the business that said, even the businesses that seem like that they're often direct competition really aren't they can end up adjacent or slightly different. You're one step away from a completely different business, and sometimes you need to take that one step and you're not gonna be able to take it. If you're busy fighting over a booby prize kind of your playing stupid game, I'm gonna win a stupid prize. That's not obvious right now because you're blinded by competition. But three years from now, it'll be obvious to give a simple example. When I was first starting companies, one of my first ones was called Opinions, which was an online product review site for all the products out there, those independent of Amazon and that space eventually turned into Trip Advisor and Yelp, which is where we should have gone. We should have done more local reviews because there's more value toe having a review of a scarce item, like in a local restaurant there is of an item like a camera, which was gonna have 1000 reviews on Amazon. But before we could get there, we got caught up in the whole comparison shopping game. And so we ended up merging with deal time, and we competed with my Simon and Biz Raid, which became Shopzilla and PriceGrabber and next tag and a whole bunch of these price comparison engines. And we're all caught in fierce competition with each other and that whole space went to zero because it turns out Amazon one detail completely. So there was no need for price comparison. Everyone just went to Amazon. But we got the booby prize because we were caught in a competition with a bunch of her peers when really, we should have been looking at what the consumer really wanted and being authentic. Tow ourselves, which was reviews in that price comparison, and gone more and more into more and more esoteric items that needed to be reviewed where customers had less and less data and wanted reviews more badly. So if we'd stayed authentic, tow ourselves would have done better.


We're still talking about working for the long term. The next tweet on that topic is applies specific knowledge with leverage, and eventually you will get what you deserve. I would also add to that apply judgment, apply accountability and applied. The skill of reading


this one is just a glib way of saying that it takes time. Even once you have all of these pieces in place, there is an indeterminate amount of time that you're gonna have to put in, and if you're counting, you'll run the patients before it actually arrives. So you just have to make sure that you give these things a proper time. Life is long. Charlie Munger had some line on this. Somebody asked him about making money and he reinterpreted that. He said what the questioners actually asking is, how do I get rich like you? But faster before end up is a really old guy, and everybody wants it immediately. But the world is an efficient place. Immediate doesn't work. You do have to put in the time you do have to put in the hours. And so I think you just have to put yourself in the position with specific knowledge with the accountability, with the leverage, with the authentic skill set that you have to be the best in the world at what you do. And then you have to enjoy it and just keep doing it and keep doing it and keep doing it. And don't keep track. And don't keep count, because if you do, you will remember a time I can look back at my career and the people two decades ago that I had identified as brilliant and hard working but hadn't thought much more about it. They're all successful now, almost without exception on a long enough time scale, you do get paid, but it can easily be 10 or 20 years. Sometimes it's five, and if it's five or three and a friend of yours got there, it can drive you insane. But those air exceptions and for every winner there's multiple failures. One thing that's important in entrepreneurship is you just have to be right. Once you get many, many shots on goal, you can take a shot on goal every 3 to 5 years, maybe returned at this lowest or once every year, the fastest, depending on how you're iterating with startups. But you really only have to be right once.


My little equation is that your eventual outcome will be equal to something like the distinctiveness of your specific knowledge times how much leverage you can apply to that knowledge times how often your judgment is correct times how singularly accountable you're for the outcome times, how much society values, what you're doing. And then you compound all of that with how long you can keep doing it and how long you can keep improving. Get through reading and learning.


That's actually a really good way to summarize it. It's probably worth even trying to sketch that equation out. That said, people try toe, then apply mathematics to what is really philosophy. So I've seen this happen in the past. What I say, one thing. And then I say another thing that seemed contradictory. If you treat is a math equation, but it's obviously a different context, and then people will say, Well, you say that desire is suffering the Buddhist saying And then you say that all greatness comes from suffering, So does that mean all greatness comes from desire and cycle? This isn't math people. He can't just start carrying variables around, informing absolute logical outputs. You have to know when to apply things. So I think that is very useful to understand. But at the same time, one can't get too analytical about it. It's what physicists would call false precision. When you take two made up estimates and you multiply them together and you get four degrees of precision, those decimal points don't actually count. You don't have that data. You don't have that knowledge in a model. The more estimated variables you have, the greater the error in the model. So just adding more and more complexity to your decision making process actually gets you a worse answer. You're better off just picking the single biggest thing or two. For example, what am I really good at, according to observation and according to people, that I trust that the market values like that alone, those two variables alone are probably good enough because if you're good at it, you'll keep it up. And if you're good at it, you develop the judgment, and if you're good at it and you like to do it, eventually people will give you the resource is and you won't be afraid to take on accountability so all the other pieces will fall in place. Product market fit is inevitable if you're doing something you love to do and the market wants


regarding the guy that gets rich in five years. One of the tweets that you had on the cutting room floor was avoid people who got rich quickly. They're just giving you their winning lottery ticket numbers.


This is generally true of advice anyway, which is it's back to Scott Adam Systems, not goals. If you ask a specific person what work for them very often. It's just like they're reading out the exact set of things that work for them, which may not be applicable for you. They're just feeding their winning lottery ticket numbers. It's a little glitch. There is something to be learned from them, but you can't just take their exact circumstance and map it onto yours. The best founders I know, they listen and read toe everyone. But then they ignore everybody, and they make up their own mind. They have their own internal model of how to apply things to their situation, and they do not hesitate to discard information. If you survey enough people, all the advice will cancel the zero. So you do have to have your own point of view. And when something is sent your way, you have to very quickly decide. Is that true? Is that true outside of the context of what that person applied in? Is it true in my context, and then do I want to apply it? You have to reject most advice, but you have to listen to and read enough of it to know what to rejecting, what to accept. Even in this podcast you should examine everything if something does not feel true to you, put it down. Set it aside. If too many things seem untrue to leave this podcast,


I think the most dangerous part of taking advice is that the person that gave it to you is not going to be around to tell you when it doesn't apply any longer.


Yet I view the purpose of advice as a little different than most people. I just view it as helping me have anecdotes and maxims that I can then later recall when I have my own direct experience and say, Ah, that's what that person meant. 90% of my tweets are actually just maxims that I car for myself, that air them little mental hooks to remind me when I'm in that situation again, like Oh, I'm the one who tweeted. If you can't see yourself working with someone for life, then don't work with them for a day. So as soon as I know what this person is not gonna be someone that I'm gonna be working with 10 years from now, then I have to start extricating myself from that relationship. We're just not investing that much more effort into it. So I use my tweets and other people's tweets as maxims that helped compress my own learnings and be able to recall them. You know, the brain space is fine at your fine at neurons, so you can almost think of these as pointers addresses. No Monix to help you remember deep seated principles where you have the underlying experience to back it up. If you don't have the underlying experience, then it just reads like a collection of quotes. It's, I guess, cool. It's inspirational for a moment, maybe make a nice poster out of it, but then you forget it. Move on. So all of these are really just compact ways for you to recall your own knowledge.


The last tweet on the topic of working for the long term is that when you're finally wealthy, you'll realize that it wasn't what you were seeking in the first place. But that's for another day.


That's a multi, our topic in of itself. First of all, I just thought it was a really clever way to end the whole thing because it disarms the whole set of people who say, Well, you know what's the point of getting rich because there a lot of people who, just like the status signal virtue, signal against the idea of wealth creation or making money. So it was just a good way to disarm all of them. But it's also true in that the things that you really want in life yes, money will solve all your money problems. But it doesn't get you everywhere. The first thing you realize when you made a bunch of money is that you're still the same person. If you're happy, you're happy. If you're unhappy, you're unhappy. If you're calm and fulfilled and peaceful, you're still that same person. I know lots of very rich people who are extremely out of shape. I know lots of rich people who have really bad family lives. I know lots of rich people who are internally a mess, so I would lean on another tweet that I put out, which is actually when I think back on it, I think it's my favorite tweet of mine. It's not initially the most insightful. It's not Nurse Lee the most helpful. It's not even the one I think about the most, but I just when I look at it, there's just such a certain truth in there. It just resonates. And that is that a calm mind, a fit body and a house full of love. These things cannot be bought. They must be earned. Even if you have all the money in the world, you can't have those three things. Jeff Bezos still has to work out. He still has to work on his marriage or whatever his next relationship is, and his internal mental state is still gonna be very much not controlled by external events. It's gonna be based on how common peacefully is inside. So I think those three things your health, your mental health and your close relationships are things that you have to cultivate and can probably bring you a lot more peace and happiness than any amount of money ever will. So that's what I meant. Now, how to get there is actually a tweetstorm that I still need to put out. I've been working on it. I have probably 100 tweets on it. It's just very hard to say anything on the topic without getting attacked from 50 different directions, especially these days on Twitter. So I've been hesitant to do it because I want to target it for a very specific kind of person. And there's a bunch of people who don't believe that working on your internal state is useful there, too focused on the external, and that's fine. There's nothing wrong with that. They should do that, and that's who. How to get rich. Tweetstorm is four. There's a bunch of people who believe that the only thing worth working on his complete liberation, like you become the Buddha and they'll attack anything in the middle is being useless. That's fine, too, but most people aren't there. So what I want to do is to create a tweet storm that is just very practical advice for everyday people who want to have a calmer internal state, just a set of understandings, realizations, half truths and truths that if you were to imbibe them properly and again, these were just pointers to ideas that you already have and experiences that you already have that if you keep these top of mind slowly but steadily, it will help you with certain realizations that will lead you to a calmer internal state. That's why I want to work. Fitness is another big one. I'm just not the expert. There were plenty of good people on Twitter who are better fitness than me. And I think loving household and relationships actually automatically falls out of the other things. If you have a calm mind and if you've already made money, you should have good relationship. There's no reason why you shouldn't. A lot of divorces actually happened over money. Unfortunately, this is the reality of it. So having money removes that part of it. Ah, lot of external battles happened because your internal state is not good. When you are naturally internally peaceful, you're gonna pick less fights. She gonna be more loving without expecting anything in return. And that will take care of things on the external relationship front.


So money solves your money problems. Money buys your freedom in the material world. I think that was a tweet from your cutting room floor. And money lets you not do the things that you don't want to. D'oh!


Yeah, to me the ultimate purpose of money so that you do not have to be in a specific place at a specific time doing anything you don't want to do.


We skipped one tweet because I wanted to cover all of the tweets on the topic of the long term. And the tweet that we skipped was there are no get rich quick schemes. That's just someone else getting rich off you.


This goes back to the world being an efficient place. If there's an easy way to get rich, it's already been exploited, and there are a lot of people who will sell you ideas and schemes on how to make money. But they're just always selling you some 79 95 course or some audio book or some seminar, which is fine. Everyone needs to eat. People need to make a living. They might actually have really good tips. But if they're giving you actionable, high quality advice, that acknowledges that it's a difficult journey and will take a lot of time that I think that realistic. But if they're selling you, some get rich quick scheme, whether it's crypto or whether it's an online business or seminar, they're just making money off you. That's their get rich quick scheme. It's not gonna necessarily work for you. One of the things about this whole Tweetstorm and podcast is that we don't have ads on here. We don't charge for anything. We don't sell anything, Not because I don't want to make more money. It's always nice to make more money. We're doing work here, but because it would completely destroy the credibility of the Enterprise. If I'm saying, hey, I know how to get rich and I'm gonna sell that to you it ruins it. When I was young and I was kind of studying up on the topic, one of my favorite books on the topic was actually called How To Get Rich by Felix Dennis, the founder of Maxim magazine. Billionaire who passed away and he had a lot of crazy stuff in there, but he had some really good insights to. But whenever I read something by him or by the Go Daddy founder Bob Parsons or say Andrew Carnegie, you read stuff by people who are already very wealthy, and they're clearly made their wealth and other fuels, not by selling the how to get rich line. They have a credibility. You just trust them and they're not try to make money off of you. They are obviously trying to win some status and some ego, right? You always have to have a motivation for doing something. But at least that is a cleaner reason why they're probably not lying there. Probably not fooling you. They're not snowing you. At some level, every founder has to lie to every employee of the company if they have, where they have to convince them that it's better for you to work for me than it is to do what I did and go work for yourself. So I've always had a hard time with that. Which is why the only honest with in my company's I've recruited entrepreneurs and I tell them you're gonna get to be entrepreneurial in this company and the day you ready to go start your own next thing I'm gonna support you never gonna get in the way of you starting a company. But this could be a good place for you to learn howto build a good team and build a good culture. How to find product market fit to perfect your skills and meet some amazing people while you figure out exactly what is gonna do it. Because positioning, timing, deliberation are very important when starting a company. But what I've never been able to do is look them in the face and say, You must be at your desk by 8 a.m. Because I'm not gonna be at my desk by 8 a.m. I want my freedom. Or say to them that you're great at being a director today and you'll be a VP tomorrow, you know, putting them in the career path track because I don't believe in it myself. If anyone is giving advice on how to get rich and they're also making money off of it, they should have made their money elsewhere. Like you don't learn how to be fit from a fat person. You don't learn how to be happy from a depressed person, so you don't wanna learn how to be rich from poor person. But you also don't want to learn how to be rich from somebody who makes their money by telling people how to be rich. It's suspect


any time you see somebody who's actually gotten rich following some guru's advice on getting rich. Just remember that in any random process, if you run it long enough, and if enough people participated in it. You will always get every single possible outcome with probability one.


There's a lot of random error in there, and then also this is why you have to absolutely and completely ignore business journalists and economist academics when they talk about private companies. I won't even name names. But like when a famous economist rails on Bitcoin or when a business journalist attacks the latest company, this I p o ng, It's complete nonsense. Those people have never built anything. They're professional critics. They don't know anything about making money. All they know is how to criticize and get page views, and you're literally becoming number. By reading them. You're burning neurons. Olivia with a quote from the same Taleb that I liked where he said, If you want to be a philosopher, King first become a king and then become a philosopher, not first become a philosopher and then become a king.


I'm glad you brought up Tell left, because I was going to finish this by saying, Just remember the title of his first book, which is fooled by randomness.


One of the reasons why we're a little vague in this podcast is because we're tryingto lay down principles that are timeless, as opposed to just giving you the winning lottery ticket numbers. From yesterday


you summarized this entire tweetstorm with two words. Product eyes


yourself. Product ties and yourself yourself has uniqueness. Product ties has leverage yourself, has accountability. Product ties has specific knowledge. Yourself also has specific knowledge in there. So all of these pieces you can combine them into these two words whenever you're doing anything in business. If you're looking toward the long term of getting wealthy, you should ask yourself, Is this authentic to me? Is it myself that I'm projecting? And then am I product izing it? Am I scaling it and my skilling with labor or with capital or with code or with media? So it's a very handy, simple pneumonic. What is this podcast? There's a podcast called the Vault. I'm literally product izing myself with a podcast.


You want to figure out what you're uniquely good at or what you uniquely are and apply as much leverage as possible. So making money isn't even something you do. It's not a skill. It's who you are stamped out a million times.


Making money should be a function of your identity and what you like to do. Another tweet that I really liked was this was not mine. Somebody else put this up. They said, Fine. Three hobbies, one that makes you money when they keeps you fit on one that makes you creative. I would change that slightly. So I would say one that makes you money, one that makes you fit and one that makes you smarter. So in my case, my hobbies would be reading. Making money is I love working with startups, either investing in them, brainstorming them, starting them. I just love that ideation and initial creation phase around start ups and then on the hobby that keeps you fit. I don't really have one. Closest thing I have is yoga, but that's where it fell apart. And I think people who early in life discover something like surfing or swimming or tennis or some sport that they continue doing throughout most of their life are very lucky because they found a hobby that will make them fit