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Odd Lots


Bloomberg’s Joe Weisenthal and Tracy Alloway take you on a not-so random weekly walk through hot topics in markets, finance and economics.


Inigo Fraser-Jenkins and Aaron Brown Debate The Future Of Quant Investing

Nov 23 2020 • 0 MIN

Traditional quant strategies that try to screen for stocks that are "cheap" have had an extremely rough period. So is this just a temporary setback that will eventually mean revert, or are the exis...

The Episode That Turned Tracy Into A Bitcoin Bull

Nov 19 2020 • 0 MIN

Bitcoin has been on a tear lately, but it's been a bit unclear as to what's driving it. But whatever's driving it, co-host Tracy Alloway has given up her longtime skepticism on the digital currency...

This Is How People Really Feel About Paying Taxes

Nov 16 2020 • 0 MIN

The politics of taxes are always fraught. In theory, everyone wants to pay less of them and bristle at the prospect of paying more. But it turns out that our feelings are more complicated and nuanc...

A Political Reporter Argues That Wall Street Doesn't Get DC

Nov 12 2020 • 0 MIN

Investors have always had to pay attention to what's going on in Washington DC, but this year it's been on a whole new level. Between virus response policy, fiscal stimulus talks, and, of course, t...

This Is The NYSE's Plan To Win More Direct Listings

Nov 9 2020 • 0 MIN

This year's stock market boom has coincided with a boom in new listings. There have been plenty of IPOs, numerous SPACs, and an uptick in companies doing direct listings on the exchange. That third...

Michael Mauboussin On Valuing Intangible Assets

Nov 5 2020 • 0 MIN

Measuring a company's book value is a classic practice among investors seeking to understand how much a firm's actual assets are worth. But what happens when a firm's assets are not things like bui...