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TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles

TruNews: Real News, Uncensored

Rick Wiles is the father of “citizen reporting.” He pioneered alternative media long before the arrival of blogs and podcasts. In May of this year, TRUNEWS began its 18th consecutive year of news reporting. The program is heard on various internet outlets, international shortwave and over 400,000 downloads of the TRUNEWS mobile app. TRUNEWS has an extremely loyal audience around the world. The program is 100% listener-supported. Guests include members of the US Congress, members of the European Parliament, members of the British Parliament, scientists, astronauts, climatologists, billionaires, investors, top-selling authors, and retired US generals. Respected guests include billionaire Jim Rogers, Swiss investor Marc Faber, EU Parliament member Nigel Farage, Georgia Congressman Paul Broun, retired US General Paul Vallely, retired US General Jerry Boykin, retired CIA special operations officer Clare Lopez, former NASA scientist John Casey, international businessman Simon Black, futurist Chris Martenson, obesity expert Dr. Robert Lustig, and Lord Christopher Monckton.


Checkmate: SCOTUS Reassigns Trump-Appointed Justices to Key Election States

Nov 21 2020 • 0 MIN

Today on TruNews we discuss the significance of the decision to place constitutionalist Supreme Court justices in charge of the circuit courts in the contested states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylv...

Sidney Powell: Dominion Voting Systems Rigged 2020 Election

Nov 20 2020 • 0 MIN

Today on TruNews we analyze the statements by the Trump campaign’s all star legal team regarding allegations and evidence of historic and unprecedented election fraud. We also discuss the new globa...

Kraken the Whip: Why is Trump Suddenly Consolidating Special Ops?

Nov 19 2020 • 0 MIN

Today on TruNews we discuss President Trump’s revolutionary move to appoint General Flynn’s former aide Ezra Cohen-Watnick to lead a new elite branch of the military, and eliminate General Milley f...

Himalayan Kebab Cookout: China Cooked Alive Indian Soldiers With Microwave Weapons

Nov 18 2020 • 0 MIN

Today on TruNews we discuss the troubling report that the PLA used an experimental millimeter wave weapon system to expel Indian soldiers from a strategic outpost through literal immolation. We als...

Dominion Deception: Will Trump Expose Cyber Vote-Theft Crime Cabal?

Nov 17 2020 • 0 MIN

Today on TruNews we discuss the MOAB of election fraud being alleged by President Trump’s all star legal team, led by Rudy Giuliani and General Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell, involving the Soros-a...

Mario Murillo: Election Fraud Will Expose Deep State Cancer in America

Nov 14 2020 • 0 MIN

Today on TruNews we welcome evangelist Mario Murillo to discuss the unprecedented corruption surrounding the still undecided 2020 election. We also address the ominous report from Texas Congressman...