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#70 Ken & Barbie Killers, Eh?

True Crime Guys - see all episodes

Paul Bernardo and Karla Holmolka, were another fire and gasoline couple who both seemed in need of just a little shove in the right the direction, or in this case, the wrong one...obviously. In any case, they found that missing piece in each other, here are the masters of manipulation, the Ken & Barbie Killers. Oh, and they're Canadian....surry bout that. Speaker in Intro is Jordan Peterson(excerpts from his lecture were used.) https://www.jordanbpeterson.com OhMyGaia.com   truecrimeguys.com Facebook Twitter/Instagram: @TrueCrimeGuys @AndImMichael Patreon.com/TrueCrimeGuys STICKERS CREEPER MERCH Creeper Galaxy Gear




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