More Than A Victim: The Angel Colon And Luis J Ruiz Story
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MORE THAN A VICTIM: THE ANGEL COLON AND LUIS J RUIZ STORY tells the story of two survivors of the 2016 Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida. Angel and Luis tell their respective stories about that deadly night, when a heavily armed Muslim terrorist burst into the club and started shooting, killing 49 people. After that horrific night, Angel and Luis began the process of picking up their lives and figuring out their new normal. Eventually, they abandoned their homosexual lifestyles to follow Jesus. Now, they dedicate their lives to preaching Jesus to other people who are trapped in a homosexual lifestyle. Learn more at https://www.movieguide.org/reviews/more-than-a-victim-the-angel-colon-and-luis-j-ruiz-story.html
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