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328 Dr. Mark Pitstick - Latest on The SoulPhone™ and Greater Reality Living

WE DON'T DIE® Radio Show with host Sandra Champlain - see all episodes

Director and one of the co-founders of the SoulPhone® Foundation, Dr. Mark Pitstick He has over forty five years’ experience and training in hospitals, pastoral counseling settings, mental health centers and private practice. He is the author of several books including Greater Reality Living (co-written with Dr. Gary Schwartz), Radiant Wellness, The Eleven Questions, and "Soul Proof: Compelling Evidence That No One Really Dies.” Mark is the creator of the documentary film about the afterlife called “Soul Proof” and has created nine audio-products that use hypnosis, breathwork and guided imagery. The audios are fascinating, topics like Pre-Birth Planning, Past Life Regression, Heal and Transform Your Suffering and more! A frequent media guest, Dr. Mark hosted two radio shows, Soul-utions and Ask the Soul Doctors. Along with directing the SoulPhone Foundation Mark is a board member for the bereaved parents group https://www.helpingparentsheal.org/ Find out more on the websites https://www.soulproof.com , https://www.soulphone.org, http://www.greaterrealityliving.com Thank you for listening! Visit http://wedontdieradio.com/ for live events, joining the Insiders' Club, receive a free copy of We Don't Die and How to Survive Grief. Join the supportive and loving, We Don't Die Listeners Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/wedontdielisteners/ *Enjoying We Don't Die Radio episodes? Would you like to be a Patron of the show? Consider donating $1 or more per episode to help operating costs of the show (I keep the show commercial-free on purpose) please visit: https://www.patreon.com/wedontdieradio or simply give at https://www.paypal.me/SandraChamplain




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