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757: 1/2: #ClassicPaleontology: What explains the Big Brain of Homo Sapiens? Michael Balter @Mbalter @Slate

The John Batchelor Show - see all episodes

Photo: No known restrictions on publication.1871.  Neanderthal Man   http://JohnBatchelorShow.com/contact http://JohnBatchelorShow.com/schedules Parler & Twitter: @BatchelorShow 1/2: #ClassicPaleontology: What explains the Big Brain of Homo Sapiens? Michael Balter @Mbalter @Slate "...If having a large brain were all that advantageous, it seems that every animal would have one. And yet most species have been content, evolutionarily speaking, with relatively small ones. The brain of our closest living cousin, the chimpanzee, is less than a third the volume of ours, even though chimps weigh almost as much as humans." http://www.slate.com/articles/healthandscience/humanevolution/2012/10/humanbrainsizesocialgroupsledtotheevolutionoflargebrains.htm




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