Dear users: we screwed up! Here's our compensation

On July 9th, we accidentally released the first public version of Podcast 9, a project we’ve been working on for a long time at Beta Labs.

More than 3,000 users subscribed to the pre-release, so they received an email from Apple announcing that the wait was over:

Our compensation: Free lifetime membership.

We want to compensate for the bad experience everyone who pre-ordered the app had when downloading a version that wasn’t ready to be published. Your time is valuable and we’re sorry you wasted it using an app that wasn’t ready for public release! That’s why we’re going to reward you with free lifetime memberships for the Podcast 9 app.

UPDATE: Since the initial release, we’ve improved the app a lot, but it’s still not ready. The app is still published on the App Store and many have continued to download it, so we want to extend this reward to everyone who downloads the app during July.

Podcast 9 is going to be a paid app after the beta period, so make sure to download it while it’s free!

How to claim your reward

All you have to do is enter your email on the form below before August 1st and we’ll send you your free membership code. Don’t expect to get it right away, as we have to manually process each submission.

So what’s great about Podcast 9?

These are the top 3 features that sets us apart from the rest:

Record snippets with transcripts

Ever wanted to save an interesting part of a podcast? This is the app for that.

Record podcast snippet with transcripts

We’ve built the app around the concept of snippets. Snippets are short fragments of a podcast that you can record and save for later. Snippets also contain transcripts so you could easily go through them after saving them.

Share snippets on social media

Every snippet can be shared as a beautifully designed video, optimized for Instagram, Twitter, or just any group chat!

Share snippet as video optimized for social media

We have hundreds of Podcasts to choose from! We curate the most popular Podcasts into organized categories so you don’t miss anything on any topic of interest.

About us

For those who don’t know about us, we’re Beta Labs, the app creators behind many apps used by millions. Our best known success is Top Nine, an app that made it to the #1 spot of the App Store in 15 countries (including the US).

Have any questions? You can contact us at